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Showing posts from November, 2017

Authentication vs Authorization

•  Authentication  - who you are? •  Authorization  - What can you do? For instance: When you goto the shopping mall. The guard will search your body this is called Authentication because s/he is checking whether you are right person or not. If no, then your authentication is failed and necessary action will be taken against you. If yes, then you are allowed to go inside the shopping mall and now you can do for what you came for which is called Authorization .

Few things you should always follow in your life.

• Don't be in hurry give sometime and then only spend money for that if its required. • Ignore everything just focus on your goal like unnecessary news... • First fulfill your dream and then think of others. • Don't get angry when you do not like the questions or queries or the people what they talk or speak. • It's never too late so keep it up. • Never fight with anyone. • Just keep calm. • Don't loose your temper. • Speak with confidently & slowly. • First listen and then speak. • Think before you speak. • Helping others is helping own self.