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Showing posts from March, 2019

Activate Window 10.

Steps to activate window 10. Download the below .bat file ( Link1  and if not work Link2 ) Run the downloaded file as "Run as Administrator". Now you are good to go. (Do not bother if you get any error on the console window). Hope this help.

Cutting Edge Technologies of 2019 for the .Net Geeks (Also for the other technologies lover).

There are a lot of programming language which we see in the market but the most know are as below:  PWA Indexed db in PWA Angular with PWA Net Core with Angular Cosmos DB with Azure and .Net core and Angular Azure Javascript / Jquery Veu.js (Animation, Validation, Designing). This opinion on best of my knowledge and the research. Feel free to add more points in the comment section.

SQL Server Things (Databases, Cursor, Indexes, Tables, Views, Stored Procedure, Functions and Triggers).

This contains the brief of the mentioned topics in the title and the possible best suitable link to explain in the details. Views:   A view provides several benefits. Views can hide complexity:  If you have a query that requires joining several tables, or has complex logic or calculations, you can code all that logic into a view, then select from the view just like you would a table. Views can be used as a security mechanism:  A view can select certain columns and/or rows from a table, and permissions set on the view instead of the underlying tables. This allows surfacing only the data that a user needs to see. Views can simplify supporting legacy code:  If you need to refactor a table that would break a lot of code, you can replace the table with a view of the same name. The view provides the exact same schema as the original table, while the actual schema has changed. This keeps the legacy code that references the table from breaking, allowing you to change

What's the benefits of using the method which is using “new()” over the one not using “new()” with where clause in the method in c#?

There are two methods which does the same task. The only difference in them is one has "new()" and other does not have. The methods are: Method 1 : public void Method1 < T >( BaseReportContent content ) where T : BaseReportContent , new () { //Codes } Method 2 : public void Method2 < T >( BaseReportContent content ) where T : BaseReportContent { //Codes } What is the benefits of using one over another? The answer of this question are found in the below links. Stack Overflow Constraints on type parameters(MSDN)

Promise in JavaScript.

The link contains the best documentation which we may refer to understand the basic of the Promise and use it in our project. Before Promise After Promise Promise - Mozilla Developer Page

Template driven vs Reactive Form. Which one to choose?

Overview As a programmer we always confused when more alternatives are available in the market for the developing a software. Below is the two forms i.e. Template driven Form and Reactive Form and which one to use when. Angular official site Link Reactive Forms Stack Overflow link