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Showing posts from September, 2015

Answer to questions in our mind

" Man is born free ;  and everywhere he is in chains . " Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire There might be so many questions in your mind regarding so many things. The questions may like as below:- Q 1) Oh God! why this is happening with me only?  Situation: - when we say this is something unexpected and undesirable happens     with us. The happenings could be not passing in particular subject, not getting     job, etc. Remember one thing: there is nothing god gifted. And we are children of god/goddess. We get what we do. If we work properly definitely we will get what we deserve. We just have to have passion. Don't loose hope. Keep on trying. Q 2) 


Please kill me. I  am not part of this world. This world is not for me. I am totally out of this world. No body likes me. No body cares about me. Please god oil me. I do not deserve to sustain in this world.  Everyone is busy. Everyone cares about oneself. Even nobody has time to help needy one. Also, nobody cares about the helpful one. I would like to share some moment that has happened with me. It was the morning of the day I planned to go for meeting my best friend. On the way. I met a person who and I started talking with him. Me:- Namaste, how are you? Person:- Namaste, do you know me? Me:- No, I really don't know you, but I would love to talk to you? Person:- Do you think I don't have time to do other thing get lost. Me:- (I thought I might have done something wrong so stop talking, after few time the man slipped and fell down) Person:- (with aggression) hey you, I won't leave you, I will kill you. Me:- ( with shock and surprise) sir, what I did?

The truth is bitter

About this article Lead By Any How, it is not my concept. It is the world which I have observed. Today we all fight for own survival. We want to do and make it done by any means. Our Concept Of Living Do we know that  1. we all want to do something for our self? 2. world is getting worst day by day? 3. we are not the god/goddesses, but we think so? 4. we have done everything for our-self not for other creatures? 5. we love each other for something? 6. love/respect is done for those who does not deserve it? 7. we all want to live in peace and harmony, but we do not go for it? 8. we all blame other, but own self? 9. we care about the future, not the present? 10. we follow the NASA, not the own community? 11. we say our community is wrong not western? 12. we all see the beauty of world getting destroyed? 13. we never enjoy our life? 14. we all are trapped in some thing bad? 15. we all do what we do not even thought of? 16. we say what we never do? 17. we lie to s