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Showing posts from January, 2018

Never underestimate the power of common man. They proved it.

1. Nokia refused Android 2. Yahoo refused Google Story Over! Lessons Learnt :- 1. Take risks. 2. Embrace changes. 3. If you refuse to change with time, you might perish. 1. Facebook takes over whatsapp and Instagram. 2. Flipkart takes over Myntra and Flipkart owned Myntra takes over Jabong. Story Over! Lessons Learnt :- 1. Become so powerful that your competitors become your allies. 2. Reach the top position and then eliminate the competition. 3. Keep innovating. 1. Colonel sanders founded KFC at the age of 65. 2. Jack Ma, who couldn't get job in KFC, founded Alibaba. Story over! Lessons Learnt :- 1. Age is just a number 2. Only those who keep trying succeeds 1. Lamborghini was founded as result of revenge of a tractor owner who was insulted by Enzy Ferrari, the founder of Ferrari Story Over! Lessons Learnt :- 1. Never underestimate anyone, ever !! 2. Success is the best revenge. Just keep working hard!! Invest your time wisely!! Do what pleases you !! D

My Posts and Comments on Social Media and reactions on it.

Kotlin Errors and Possible Solutions Part (1)

1)  Can anybody help me with this issue? Error: Could not find or load main class kotlin.function.MainFunctionKt Scenario: I have created below project structure. package name "kotlin.function" ClassName: MainFunction.kt Only One Method: fun main(args: Array<String>) { println("Hello") } Solution : 2) Error: Only kotlin standard library is allowed to use kotlin package. Solution:

My Interview experience and the link to apply for freshers

Below is the link which contains the interview experience of the Fiserv India Pvt. ltd, Globusoft and tips to apply for the companies and get jobs on time. Note: All the jobs related stuff for freshers are added please visit the link and post your query regarding any stuffs related and life. I will respond within 24 hours. Thanks for being part of this. Download from this link

One_of_Worst Questions interviewer asking to job-seekers

#One_of_Worst Questions interviewer asking to job-seekers i.e at-least i can say freshers ---- Where would you like to see yourself after 3 year -_- ! #Bhai offer letter lene k bad puchhta to bata dete ......Iske answer k basis me if interviewer rejecting candidate means..current life ka pata nai next 3 year ka banda kya batae -_- #TRUST most of time candidate answering their real ans like 1. After 3 year i want to join MBA -_- for or i will continue my further studies .. 2. Most of people saying After 3 year i want to support my business 3. Most of people saying after 3 year i want to open my own start-up 4. Most of people saying after 3 year i want to move in some different field ........... #GUYS REMEMBER :- Interviewer just want to listen about their company always answer like i will do many more good things to grow this company for life until i die -_- ! Rest other answers are just for you don't be a #Satyavadi Harishchandra in all interview !

Snapwiz_Placement papers & patterns : for Jr. Java dev profile!

Snapwiz_Placement papers & patterns : for Jr. Java dev profile! 1st round is online coding from home. ( I hope recently many people already attended this test...IF possible share youe experience ) 2nd round is coding round with 2 questions at snapwiz. 3rd round face to face technical. For above 2 rounds just prepare well from your coding skills perfectly ! 4th ROUND : HR Link to apply :-

All the require docs of job seekers (java docs, testing docs, study materials, genuine consultancy link)

# JUST_FOR  JAVA LOVERS : CORE & ADVANCED JAVA Notes ! Core Java and Advanced Java Notes! . Link 1 :-…/1--%20Core%20Java%28TOC%29.pdf… Link 2 :-…/9--%20Advanced%20Java.pdf… _________________________________ 1.…/0BxJrew1xg5ZLZjdabnVUUkswalk/view 2.…/0BxJrew1xg5ZLVHVSQ0tiU1VmVXM/view 3.…/0BxJrew1xg5ZLdS1JUTAxMWtTcEU/view 4.…/0BxJrew1xg5ZLY1M5bGp2Ym5lZUk/view 5.…/0BxJrew1xg5ZLck13Rndpd1ZlcEU/view 6.…/0BxJrew1xg5ZLb2xodlhOTEVzLTA/view --------------------- Spring ---------------------…/0BxJrew1xg5ZLQ3VaQnlja3N1Mkk/view…/0BxJrew1xg5ZLTXNVLUdOR0xmTzQ/view…/0BxJrew1xg5ZLWU9PUmVKUUYtMjQ/view ---------------------- Hibernate -------------------------- https://drive.go