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Showing posts from August, 2017

My Idea and suggestion to those who think they are safe saving their cards details in or other places.

I have account on "" and the balance is deducted from "" for amazon prime atomically. I called the customer care service and sent them the snapshot via mail too. As per customer care of and also from the, your account will be created in all the amazon sites. Please see the attachment below: Account created in all the amazon sites. The issue is not that whether it is created in one site or all sites of amazon. Your card details are too saved in these sites. The below screen shot depicts that amount is deducted for amazon prime. While login into my account I saw that there is no prime membership activated for my account. Moreover, the balance is automatically deducted from my accounts which shows that they store each and every details related to our cards. What should I have to do. Note: please remove all your details from the websites like amazon, ebay or anything which are from foreign. You cannot do any