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Showing posts from January, 2019

Interview Experience (Cotiviti fka verscend), Kathmandu Nepal

First Round: ================================== Profile: .Net Developer Experience: 2 Years Questions: Below are the questions asked in the interview.  Formal Introduction about yourself. What is the latest C# Version? Which is the current C# version you are using or used in the project? What are the features coming in the C# 8? How much you rate yourself in the C#, JavaScript, JQuery out of 10? Who is your Developer Icon? Ans: Any person I gave M. Liu Name, I worked with him in my previous company. Do you have account in StackOverflow and how is your reputation in this site? Do you have account in Github and how much star do you have in the same? Do you know JOINs?  What are the types of joins? Based on join below questions were asked? Given Two tables Employ (e_id, name, address) Salary (e_id, amount, month) Questions: Find out the second largest salary from the table? Find out the list of employees who does not have received salary of that month? What