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Showing posts from December, 2019

All about Microservices and Containers and Monolithic Architecure

Brief Containers, by contrast, are much smaller — perhaps one tenth or one hundredth the size of a virtual machine. And, because they do not require the operating system spin-up time associated with a virtual machine, containers are more efficient at initialization. Overall, containers start in seconds, or even milliseconds in some cases. That's much faster than VMs. That's why, from a performance perspective, containers are a much better execution foundation for microservices architectures. Their quick instantiation maps much better to the erratic workload characteristics associated with microservices.  Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture Monolithic applications are more of a single complete package, having all the related needed components and services encapsulated in one package. Fig: Monolithic Architecture A microservice is an approach to create small services, each running in their own space that can communicate via messaging. These are inde