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Showing posts from February, 2023

Useful video links with Questions and Answers(.NET, SQL/Database, Azure, DSA, Docker, GIT, AI)

A) AI What is artificial intelligence (AI)? B) .NET SOLID Principles In C# With Examples Design Patterns In C# .NET (2023)   Design Patterns   Software Architecture And Patterns Shiva Kumar - .NET (Youtube)   Multithreading and multitasking Multithreading and asynchronous programming and parallel programming in C# (Youtube)   C) SQL/Database SQL Query Interview Questions - SQL Server Database (Youtube)   ACID Properties Of Transaction In DBMS (Youtube) D) Azure   Modules in this learning path - MSDN Susanth Sutheesh (Youtube)   E) DSA   Strivers A2Z DSA Course/Sheet F) Docker   Docker - Everything You Need To Know G) GIT   Start with Git & GitHub in Visual Studio Misc Salary Negotiation - 10 tips on how to negotiate a Higher Salary    

'device needs more than the port can supply' error fixed when the USB device does not work like mouse, keyboard, speaker.

Brief Below videos has everything you need. It has steps to disable "USB selective suspend setting" so that more power will be supplied to USB. 1) From Device Manager. 2) From Control Panel.   The "USB selective suspend setting" is a power management feature in Windows that allows the operating system to put individual USB devices into a low-power state when they are not in use. This can help to conserve energy and reduce power consumption, especially on mobile devices or laptops where battery life is a concern. When a USB device is put into the selective suspend state, it stops functioning until it is resumed. This can cause a slight delay when the device is first used, but it can also result in significant power savings over time. The selective suspend setting can be found in the Power & sleep settings in Windows. By default, it is usually enabled, but you can choose to disable it if you need to ensure that a particu

Use your mobile phone as web cam to your pc/laptop

 Brief  This thing started when I had an interview😮 with one of the company in Nepal and my laptop camera quality was so bad that I was asked to turn off 😥 it which made me to think to buy a webcam for my laptop and I realized if the webcam be attached to my laptop using USB cable or WIFI then why we cannot use my phone. This is how it started. I have tested it and using this app called iVCam since then it worked very well as well with teams, zoom and other streaming app as well. We need to download these 2 stuffs only: The mobile app. The PC client software. Install these two software on your individual mobile and pc and then you are good to go.Mobile phone will ask for the permissions, and allow all the permission it ask for. There are two by which we can connect your mobile phone as web cam and they are:  A) WIFI: Connect your laptop and mobile to the same wifi network. Open app in both mobile and laptop/pc. It will automatically connect to the mobile camera.   B) USB Cable: