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Please kill me.

I  am not part of this world. This world is not for me. I am totally out of this world. No body likes me. No body cares about me. Please god oil me. I do not deserve to sustain in this world. 

Everyone is busy. Everyone cares about oneself. Even nobody has time to help needy one. Also, nobody cares about the helpful one.

I would like to share some moment that has happened with me. It was the morning of the day I planned to go for meeting my best friend. On the way. I met a person who and I started talking with him.
Me:- Namaste, how are you?
Person:- Namaste, do you know me?

Me:- No, I really don't know you, but I would love to talk to you?
Person:- Do you think I don't have time to do other thing get lost.

Me:- (I thought I might have done something wrong so stop talking, after few time the man slipped and fell down)

Person:- (with aggression) hey you, I won't leave you, I will kill you.

Me:- ( with shock and surprise) sir, what I did?

Person:- (with anger) you cursed me as I didn't spoke with you. I will kill you.

Me:- (I was so afraid) I beg excuse and I tried to convince him it wasn't because of me but I was slapped and scolded.
With tear in my I eye I thought why I am not liked by anyone.
 Even my parents scold me for anything I do. All the people around me has some problems because of me. Hey god please take me to you. I don't deserve to be here.

$$$$#### I am totally frustrated, I don't want to live in this world, there is nobody for me. I am problem for everybody. So god please kill me. I don't want to live anymore. $$$$####

Hey everyone this kind of situation might have come to you or may come to you. Please, don't over indulge in thinking. Because, over thinking might lead to do something unexpected. You might suicide. You might kill someone. So, be positive and think positive. And just be relaxed there is nobody who hates you. Its not like if somebody bark at you because you are wrong. It might be you are unique. It might be you are down to earth. It might be you are special. It might be you are not well understood. So, be happy and let other be happy. 


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