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Steps using Github with Git Bash and Git Tortoise


We will learn below things:
  • Download tortoise git from the URL (
  • Download git from the URL (
  • Integrate local git with the remote GitHub.
  • Initialize git in the local folder using git tortoise.
  • Push and Pull the code from the master branch.
  • Create different branches and check out between those branches from the local.


After downloading the git and git tortoise, install those files and you will be shown the below window when you right click inside any Folder in the windows.

Initialize Git from the Git Tortoise

Click on the "Git Create Repository Here" as shown in the first context menu and Press "Ok".
You will see '.git' folder added as below.

Right click inside the project Folder and hover on "TortoiseGit". The snapshot will be shown.

Setting Up the Remote Repository into the local

Click on the "Settings" as shown in the above diagram which is present inside the "TortoiseGit" and configure the remote repository and click "Apply". The configurations will be as below:

Pull, Push and Fetch

  • Pull: Pull the code from your remote repository to your local repository.
  • Push: You commit the code and push those code to the remote repository from the local repository.
  • Fetch: Used to get the newly created remote branch in to the local repository from the remote repository.
After doing this, pull the code by right clicking inside the project menu and then click on "TortoiseGit" -> "Pull".

If some error occurs do not worry, this might happen if nothing is there on the remote repository to pull or you have not committed your local changes in the project folder.

Creating New Branch in the Remote

Go to your git hub account and create your branch as explained in the diagram as below:

Fetching the remote branch and Switching from the local folder

Come inside the project folder and right click then click on "TortoiseGit" and Click on "Fetch" then new window appear, just click "Ok". You will see the new branch fetched as below:

Switching to the new Branch

Come inside the project folder and right click then click on "TortoiseGit" and Click on "Switch/Checkout" then new window appear, just click "Ok". You will see the new window as below:

Verify if branch is switched or not

Come inside the project folder and right click then see if it is switched or not as shown below:

Thank you. Feedback is appreciated.


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