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Aashu only bro interview exp. BJS admin.

#My_Volvo_Interview_Experience :-
#Being as BJS member i also need to share my exp so .haha..
1. Profile : Mobility Testing , Mobile application Testing.
2. Year of Exp : 5 year
------- Interview experience ------
So there guys Total 5 rounds conducted for this Placement ..
1. Technical Round ( 45 min) :- Being as an experience Interviewer ask questions from my overall resume content and checked my Testing + Reporting + management related skill !
2. Telephonic Round ( 1 Hour) : After 3 days Got a call from "Sweden" onsite Test manager ! She explained about Product Then start asking all basic basic testing related queries, Also asked about other challenging related questions like, If you will some xyz problem for deployment n all then what you will do ..lot of questions asked from Challenging questions!
3. F2F Technical round ( 1 Hour) : After 2 days gone through again technical round....where interviewer asked question from my all projects related skill, my roles n responsibility, My all Companies work culture and other process. Also asked basic testing concept, Agile methodology in details, Bug reporting process, sanity,smoke,regression, System integration testing, Interruption testing, SDLC, STLC, SQL queries, Notification testings and many more question .......!!
After 3rd waited for 1 hour and finally got positive feedback....
4. Telephonic round ( More then 1 hour) : After 3rd round same day got a call telephonic call from " Sweden" Product owner, She explained about new mobile app which is going to launch on march 17 and share all work culture of volvo THEN introduced me all team all employees working in this project. ! Also asked about my life my hobbies my interest!
Then finally she told me " welcome in Volvo" smile emoticon
5. HR & Managerial round : finally HR called me for final discussion and yesterday " 23rd dec" got my offer letter !
#seems after a long time m sharing my interview experience ! haha!


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