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Showing posts from February, 2020

Shwetabh solves a LOT of Problems on the Spot | Delhi Full Event

TIMESTAMPS 4:52 - How to understand Life 7:35 - How to overcome phone addiction 16:58 - The role of friends 18:38 - Know your strengths & weakness 22:12 - How to live actively 27:50 - Creativity 31:07 - Ego vs Self-respect 36:07 - Music 39:32 - How Shwetabh cured his depression 40:50 - How to think 43:37 - How to find purpose 45:20 - Achievements 47:31 - Kaam vs Maza 48:33 - People are weird 53:30 - narcissist personality 54:44 - Confidence 58:16 - finding your passion 59:07 - How to convince your parents 1:00:46 - Public Accountability 1:02:30 - Young Achievers 1:04:12 - How to develop thought process 1:06:11 - Self Satisfaction vs Happiness 1:08:50 - Long Term Relationship 1:16:58 - Fear 1:18:40 - Cultivation & Interests 1:22:30 - How to say no 1:26:47 - GaryVee 1:27:22 - Ego Click Here For Video

M.Sc. Entrance EC (Computer/Electronics) - Pulchowk (IOE)

Brief The majority of questions were from the Mathematics and Electronics. After that the questions were from English and then from OOPs(Object Oriented Programming) Concepts. Opinion Overall Experience was great. There was no division of Sections A and B in the online MCQ. So, the candidates can attend any of the questions and can go next and previous and change the answers accordingly. But, once if you have selected the answer you cannot unselect it instead you can change the options. ============================= A. English Questions ----------------------------- I) Passage ***************************** The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the birth of man in the conciousness of men. In his drunken orgies of power and national pride man may flout and jeer at it. when organised national selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self seeking begin to display their ugly deformities in all their nakedness, then comes the time for man to know that his salvation

From Quora(Why we get rejected even if we have solved the problem)

(I’ve conducted over 100 interviews for Google but, to be clear, the rest of this answer refers to possible explanations, not necessarily anything I’ve experienced.) Some possible reasons that the candidate might think   they “solved the problem right” but didn’t get the call include: The candidate thought they’d solved the problem, but there was some major flaw in their solution that we didn’t have time to discuss, so I didn’t point it out. The candidate had solved the problem, but their solution was really bad (e.g. it is logically correct but runs in O(2^n) when an O(n) solution exists), and again, there was no time left to improve it. The candidate had solved the problem, but it was a really basic problem that was meant to be an ice-breaker that fills 5–10 minutes but actually took the whole interview. The candidate had solved the problem, but only after getting a lot of hints that reduced the problem to a simple “fill in the blanks” exercise. The candidate had some other

To the point cover letter - Sample

Brief As a job seeker(s) sometimes we might fill why the hell is the requirement of Cover Letter if the Resume or CV is already being attached to the application or mail? This might be common questions in everyone's mind but let us make clear that this letter gives the brief about yourself and make them feel that whether they should open your resume/CV or not. So, make the Cover Letter as creative ans attractive as much as you can. Sample

Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation

Brief It’s almost true that every encapsulation is an abstraction because they both hide something, however, they have their fair share of differences. Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation While both are fundamental concepts related to OOP and they are technically inseparable, they still have their differences in many aspects. Differences  in “ Definition” of Abstraction and Encapsulation  – Abstraction is a fundamental OOP concept which emphasizes on all the essential aspects of an object by hiding the irrelevant details to increase efficiency and eliminate complexity. Encapsulation, on the other hand, is a data hiding mechanism which wraps the data and information in a capsule to restrict access from outside world. Differences  in “Functionality” of Abstraction and Encapsulation – Abstraction is a data hiding mechanism which highlights only the essential features to make complex programs simpler, while encapsulation, on the other hand, is a method of bindin

Nobody talks about the real reason to use Tabs over Spaces

Brief Posted as it is from  Reddit Post i've been slightly dismayed, that in every tabs-vs-spaces debate i can find on the web, nobody is talking about the accessibility consequences for the visually impaired let me illustrate with a quick story, why i irrevocably turned from a spaces to tabs guy i recently worked at a company that used tabs i created a new repository, and thought i was being hip and modern, so i started to evangelize spaces for the 'consistency across environments' i get approached by not one, but TWO coworkers who unfortunately are highly visually impaired, and each has a different visual impairment one of them uses tab-width 1 because he uses such a gigantic font-size the other uses tab-width 8 and a really wide monitor these guys have serious problems using codebases with spaces, they have to convert, do their work, and then unconvert before committing these guys are  not  just being fussy — it&#

Interview Experience Analogue Inc, Gausala, Kathmandu

Brief Startup IT company. Position Senior .NET Developer (.NET Core 2.1 having sound knowledge of SignalR, EF, Cloud Platform (Azure/AWS), IIS, Web Hosting, Angular 8). My Opinion Overall experience was perfect for me and learnt alot of things either its related to the future technologies and existing one. Questions The questions asked was really worthy and they are as below: FYI: Many others questions were asked which I had never heard. Introduce Yourself. In which technologies you are most comfortable? i.e. Angular, .NET Framework Tell me about ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and .NET Core 2.1? Relations and Differences, why and when to choose one over another? When to use ADO.NET vs EF? What you have used for Front-end, Back end and Databases or Clouds? Server based app vs clod based app deployment. Explain what you know about MSBuilds? For eg: Definition, purpose and so on. Globalization Vs Localization? How does these two works in the particular project? When the

Kotlin vs Java: Head to Head Comparison

Kotlin vs Java: Head to Head Comparison Feature Java Kotlin Checked Exceptions Available Unavailable Code Conciseness Can’t be labeled as concise Better than Java Coroutines Unavailable Available Data Classes Required to write a lot of boilerplate code Requires adding only the data keyword in the class definition Extension Functions Unavailable Available Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas Higher-order functions are implemented using Callables. Lambdas expressions are introduced in the Java 8 Comes as one of the prebuilt features Implicit Widening Conversions Available Unavailable Inline Functions Unavailable Available Native Support for Delegation Unavailable Available Non-private Fields Available Unavailable NullPointerExceptions Available Unavailable Primitive Types Variables of a primitive type aren’t objects Variables of a primitive type are objects Smart Casts Unavailable Available Static Members Available Unavailable Support for Constructors Can’t have seconda

C# and Git Branch Naming Convention

C# Coding Convention ==================== 1. General Naming Convention -> If more than one word is combined then you can follow either of below conventions. - Pascal Case: Capitalize first letter of each words. For eg: StudentService, FirstName, CapitalCityOfNepal, etc. - camel Case: first word is all lowe case and Rest follow pascal case. For eg: studentService, firstName, capitalCityOfNepal, etc. -> This is valid for all the naming i.e. variable, field, property, method, class, etc. -> If More than two letters acronym or abbreviation then follow pascal case otherwise make all capitals. -> For eg: i) PI constant const float PI = 3.145f; -> Acronym PI is exactly two letters acronym so, all letters is capitals. ii) API controller -> This should be 'StudentApiController' as API is more than 2 letters i.e. 3 letters acronym so, Pascal Case. 2. Naming Of Class i) Pascal Case ii) Service Name -> Create Separate folder c