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Interview Experience Analogue Inc, Gausala, Kathmandu

Startup IT company.

Senior .NET Developer (.NET Core 2.1 having sound knowledge of SignalR, EF, Cloud Platform (Azure/AWS), IIS, Web Hosting, Angular 8).
My Opinion
Overall experience was perfect for me and learnt alot of things either its related to the future technologies and existing one.
The questions asked was really worthy and they are as below:
FYI: Many others questions were asked which I had never heard.
  1. Introduce Yourself.
  2. In which technologies you are most comfortable? i.e. Angular, .NET Framework
  3. Tell me about ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and .NET Core 2.1? Relations and Differences, why and when to choose one over another?
  4. When to use ADO.NET vs EF?
  5. What you have used for Front-end, Back end and Databases or Clouds?
  6. Server based app vs clod based app deployment.
  7. Explain what you know about MSBuilds? For eg: Definition, purpose and so on.
  8. Globalization Vs Localization? How does these two works in the particular project?
  9. When the project is built and deployed to the server how does Globalization and Localisation work in that case?
  10. Is Localization only used for language?
  11. When to use sp in ER? Note: the condition when sp only used but cannot be done via ER in normal way.
  12. How to generate dynamic report? Let's say there is  20 columns and you want to fetch only 10 or 3 or all column records based on the requirements. -> This is answer of above question.
  13. Web pool vs App pool?
  14. $scope vs scope in AngularJs.
  15. Scope Identity Vs Identity
  16. Everything you know about Transact SQL.
  17. Is transaction only used for multiple queries?
  18. Which version of Angular you have used?
  19. JWT Tokens?
  20. Can you consume third party APIs or libraries in Project?
  21. How does server side pagination works?
  22. Client Side Vs Server Side Pagination?
  23. What is jqlite?
  24. What is .ts and .js? And how they are related and not related? Why .ts for angular? Which is parent and which is child? Which is used when project is deployed?
  25. Have you used any extensions for development so as to enhance the development time?
  26. Which Testing frameworks or librariet used for testing the Angular Or .NET code? Why?
  27. Which cloud technology you have used (Azure, AWS, Alibaba) and why?
  28. How to provide real time data to the users, if they relly on same data?
  29. Everything you know about Signal R? When to use it and so on?
  30. Got program on Chat App? Can use anything but I used Signal R.
  31. Signal R, who is publisher and subscribe, how does the Signal R works, benefits of Signal R, how we used to accomplish the purpose of Signal R before it?
  32. Gradle uses? Is it used in Angular?
  33. Some JavaScript libraries (I do not recall this since I never had heard of it) related questions
  34.  How does the code deployment work at your company?
  35.  Have used Git and several questions related to git and they are
  36. What is ref log in git?
  37. How to get the deleted data i.e. from both master and your local system?
  38. Can you use .exe in .dll and vice versa?
  39. Have you ever used .exe and why you have used .exe when you already have the websites?
  40. Native App, flutter, React Native which one to choose? Why?
  41. Any idea about sidekiq?
  42. Any idea about xml namespace?
  43. ExecuteScalar Vs ExecuteNoQuery?
Take Away
This is one of best interview I have attended till date. The main reason for being it's best is the quality of questions being asked for Sr. Software because being Senior developer the one of the responsibility is to guide the Junior and communicate with others in the team and also to the others team and higher personnel.

Below are the things which I need to improve are:
  • Communication, It becomes hard for me to understand the questions and even if got the questions, it feels difficult to explain it in proper way.
  • Proper thinking, understanding the context and do not hurry while answering and listen the questions carefully because sometimes the questions asked might contains answer itself or the upcoming questions might come from the present question as well as from the answer you just provided.
  • Answer with proper logics, example and how I have done the same thing in my own project or in the companies I worked in.
  • No theoretical knowledge but have practical knowledge. For eg. I can code the same thing but cannot explain to other in proper way.
The things which I thought I had already overcome but stills exists
  • Immatured,
  • Panic,
  • Fumbling,
  • Lack Of Confidence,
  • Very fast speaking,
  • Eye Contact
Related to immature and panic. For eg: Interviewer asked tell me one scenario where we cannot use ER but can only be done via SP and later he asked have every generated Dynamic Report using JSON file. This was the answer for the use of SP where we cannot use ER but I couldn't realize even if he laughed while I was answering.

I got panic because I thought interview will be in Panel but it was in the development room (since Start Up), I was so panic and there was hesitation going in my mind.


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