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M.Sc. Entrance EC (Computer/Electronics) - Pulchowk (IOE)


The majority of questions were from the Mathematics and Electronics. After that the questions were from English and then from OOPs(Object Oriented Programming) Concepts.


Overall Experience was great. There was no division of Sections A and B in the online MCQ. So, the candidates can attend any of the questions and can go next and previous and change the answers accordingly. But, once if you have selected the answer you cannot unselect it instead you can change the options.

A. English Questions
I) Passage
The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the birth of man in the conciousness of men. In his drunken orgies of power and national pride man may flout and jeer at it. when organised national selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self seeking begin to display their ugly deformities in all their nakedness, then comes the time for man to know that his salvation is not in political organisations and extended trade relations, not in any mechanical re-arrangement of social system but in a deeper transformation of life, in the liberation of consciousness in love, in the realisation of God in man

1. In this passage, the phrase "God in man" implies

A. God having assumed the shape of man
B. neither fully godly nor fully human
C. man being transformed into God
D. the divine qualities in man @
Answer: Option D

2. The author uses the expression 'ugly deformities' to show his indignation at

A. political organisations
B. the liberation of human consciousness
C. selfishness and materialism of the people
D. the drunken orgies of power
Answer: Option C

3. According to the author, "salvation" of human beings lies in the

A. extended trade relations
B. spiritual transformation of life
C. orgy of national pride
D. wholehearted participated in political organisations
Answer: Option B

4. In the phrase "the birth of Man in the consciousness of men", AMn stands for

A. power and arrogance
B. egocentricity
C. noble human qualities
D. an idealistic notion of the human self @
Answer: Option D

5. People jeer at the 'birth of Man' in the human consciousness when they

A. begin to think of themselves as God
B. become power hungry
C. restructure the social system
D. become mentally deranged
Answer: Option B

Note: This paasage was from - Section 23
LInk (

II) Sentences

B. Electronics Questions
-> Maximum of questions were from Amplifiers, Oscillators, Sine Wave and TTL.

C. Computer/IT Questions
-> Questions were from the OOPs concepts.
Link (
D. Mathematics Questions
-> Questions were from the Laplace transform, Fourier Series, Complex Numbers, Trigonometry and Triangles, Vectors, Derivatives and Anti-Derivatives, Equations and equations evaluations with log.

Note: Questions were easy, it was just kind of formula or just little twist which could be easily solved if we have learnt the formulas and just put the value from the options in the questions.


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