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Showing posts from October, 2020

.NET Developer - Kathmandu, Nepal

Questions: 1. Tell me abt yourself? 2. Static class. Any idea abt it? Why use it? 3. Extension method. Why shd we use extension method? 4. How comfortable u r with T-SQL? 5. Why do we need cloud? Any idea abt cloud?? 6. Explain what you have explored till date on Azure(I had written Azure in Exploring now)? 7. Are you learning any new skill in ur breaktime (pandemic)? 8. As you have mentioned monotonous work, what will you do if you're given monotonous work in our company? 9. Can you clearly explain why do we need interface and when we must use interface? 10. Can you plz explain with scenario where interface is a must? 11. As you have mentioned code review, code optimization and code refactor in resume, can you explain below things:     a. How is code review done and how you did? What are the things you kept in mind while doing this? b. Can you plz give me the real examples of what you did in part of code optimization? c. How you would suggest others to do code optimization? Wh

10 Best Ways to Fix a 100% Disk Usage on Windows 10

Way 1: Restart Your System Way 2: Update Windows Way 3: Check For Malware Way 4: Disable Windows Search Way 5: Stop the Superfetch Service Way 6: Change Energy Options from Balanced to High Performance Way 7: Temporarily Turn Off Your Antivirus Software Way 8: Reset Virtual Memory in Windows 10 Way 9: Run Check Disk Way 10: Change Settings in Google Chrome and Skype For details click here

Questions in mind for job interview - Full Stack .NET Developer

1. SOA diagram and prepare it well. 2. Web API Architecture style. 3. WHat are the new features in ASP.NET Core? V1.x, V2.x, V3.x and V5.x? 4. Application vulnerablities. Eg. Xss, SQL Injection, etc. 5. Cloud computing concepts. WHich one to choose? -> AWS, Azure, GCP and Alicloud 6. MVC, MVP, MVVM. Differences? 7. Private constructor and private class. 8. Operator overloading not supported in C#, Java but supported in C++. WHY?? 9. How do we ask sb for job in LinkedIn? 10. ACID property in DBMS. 11. How do I craft that perfect msg for refferal on any social media platform (LinkedIn)? 12. About your background??  13. Why you chose ASP.NET Core over other frameworks? 14. How does routing and HTTP happen in ReactJS? 15. Observable vs Promise? 16. Publish vs Subscribe?? 17. TFS vs Perforce vs Git?? 18. Arent you overqualified for this job? 19. Your coding abilities? Rate it out of 10. 20. ConfigureServices and ConfigureMethods in ASP.NET Core. 21. Use of IHosting Environment. 22. Iserv

Mobile Application - Tips

 ========================== Mobile Application Development - Android & IOS Android - Native, JAVA/Kotlin, MVVM, MVC, MVP, ROOM, SQLite, Firebase IOS - Native, MVVM, MVC, MVP, Objective-C/Swift, Firebase Hybrid - Write once and works everywhere with minimal changes. - Flutter, React Native, IONIC, Xamarin, WebView --------------------------- Native Vs Hybrid - Native is extremely fast. - Update, hardware integration is very promising in Native. Flutter Vs React Native - Flutter works like native. - Flutter has everything in built. - In React Native, you have to depend on third party. -------------------------- SVN Git - Locally changes Github/Gitlab/BitBucket... - Sever ma code halne

How to Apply For Job - Tips

 How to Apply For Job ========================= 1. Read Job Details Very Carefully - Even manymany times (Company Details,  Roles & Responsibilites, Job Descriptions, Benefits...)   2. Frame your profile accordingly based on JD. - CV, Resume, LinkedIn,  MeroJob, JobsNepal... 3. Prepare all the things you have mentioned in the profile keeping in mind - Wh Questions(What, Why, How, When, Where) - differences, competitors 4. Keep intact your profile with JD. If not, then put those things in exploring now or in future. For eg. Job Description Qualifications     BE, BSCIT, Bachelor Degree in IT related field.     1+ years of experience in mobile app development.     Communication skill with strong quantitative background.     Competent, smart, result-oriented and self-motivated.     Ability to work well in a team. Knowledge & Skills      Programming skill in phonegap, ionic, flutter, javascript, jquery, angular js.     Knowledge and experience of MVC.NET.     Knowledge of MVC and AP

Web Application - Need to know

 Web Application Development - Full Stack (Front End, Backend, Database & Concept of Cloud) ========================== Front End - ES6+, ReactJS, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS, SASS Alternative ReactJS - AngularJS, Angular 2+, Vue.js TypeScript - jQuery/JavaScript CSS - Bootstrap, CSS3 SASS - LESS, SCSS... -------------------------- Back End - .NET Core, Entity Framework(EF) Core & LINQ Alternative .NET Core - .NET MVC, .NET MVP, .NET WebForm .EF Core - EF6, ADO.NET, Dapper, T-SQL .NET - Python, Go, PHP-Laravel, Node.js, JAVA, Ruby, R, -------------------------- Database - MySQL, NoSQL(MongoDB) Alternative MySQL - Postgress SQL, MS SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle MongoDB - Firebase, DynamoDB, CosmoDB... Note: Only knowlege or MySQL or NoSQL is enough. -------------------------- Cloud - AWS Alternative AWS - Azure, Google Cloud, Alibaba, Oracle Cloud... -------------------------- SVN Git - Locally changes Github/Gitlab/BitBucket... - Sever ma code halne Gitbash - Synchronization between Git

EF Core Doubts - Learn these things

 EF Core Doubts - Learn these things ----------------- 1. Migration in details? 2. EF Core has a new feature in LINQ-to-Entities where we can include C# or VB.NET functions in the query. This was not possible in EF 6. 3. EF Core creates a clustered index on Primarykey columns and a non-clustered index on ForeignKey columns, by default. 4. Shadow Properties? 5. Conventions are default rules using which Entity Framework builds a model based on your domain (entity) classes. 6. The Student entity class includes a reference navigation property of Grade type. ( 7. The Grade entity includes a collection navigation property of type ICollection<student>. ( 8. EF 6.x or prior does not support conventions for One-to-One relationship. Unique constraint is supported in Entity Framework Core but not i