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.NET Developer - Kathmandu, Nepal


1. Tell me abt yourself?

2. Static class. Any idea abt it? Why use it?

3. Extension method. Why shd we use extension method?

4. How comfortable u r with T-SQL?

5. Why do we need cloud? Any idea abt cloud??

6. Explain what you have explored till date on Azure(I had written Azure in Exploring now)?

7. Are you learning any new skill in ur breaktime (pandemic)?

8. As you have mentioned monotonous work, what will you do if you're given monotonous work in our company?

9. Can you clearly explain why do we need interface and when we must use interface?

10. Can you plz explain with scenario where interface is a must?

11. As you have mentioned code review, code optimization and code refactor in resume, can you explain below things:

    a. How is code review done and how you did? What are the things you kept in mind while doing this?

b. Can you plz give me the real examples of what you did in part of code optimization?

c. How you would suggest others to do code optimization? What things they have to take care of?

12. What was the latest role in ur current company?

13. Has ur company used cloud? Which cloud? How long is ur company using AWS?

14. Why we shd use cloud over other (on-premise)?

15. Can you plz explain why DI is so important? Plz provide the real example. (hint: high cohesion and low coupling).

16. What idea u have abt unit testing and mocking?

    a. Did u use unit testing and mocking framework? Which?

b. How you have tested your application?

c. What data did u use for unit testing?

d. In what case testing SQL Server with in-memory data that is separate two data providers is sufficient? Isnt that different data providers and should be handled in different ways?

e. Given the scenario of unit testing of a service, lets say UserService which has getUsersMethod(). How would you write UT for it?

17. How can u write cleaner and maintainable code?

18. Can u plz explain SOLID principles with examples?

19. Difference betn singleton, scoped vs transient. (based on request and object creation)

20. foreach vs for loop. Infinite loop and why we use it? (for creating singleton object) how to make for loop to infinite loop?

21. Stored procedure vs Function.

22. setTimeout vs setInterval? Why use one over another?

23. As you have said u have used infinite loop, how do you handle exception in infinite loop?

24. you have mention "remote work" in ur resume. WHat does that mean? For eg. freelance, contract or full time job.

25. When did ur project got deployed in cloud? ANd what was ur role? Do you have any idea?

26. What is using in .NET? When do you use block "using"? (when disposal of object is required).

27. Any idea abt garbage collector? Is it required for us to use GC explicitly? How is GC done in C#?

28. What is the use of IDisposable and when we use it in the code?

29. Can you plz explain few of the cloud concepts?

30. Do u have any questions for me??

a. I saw returnship program in the JD, so how does it work?

b. I saw abt the product, its telematic, so can explain me the role that I will be assigned?

c. Can u plz explain me abt the project details, my teams, my reporting manager?


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