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Questions in mind for job interview - Full Stack .NET Developer

1. SOA diagram and prepare it well.

2. Web API Architecture style.

3. WHat are the new features in ASP.NET Core? V1.x, V2.x, V3.x and V5.x?

4. Application vulnerablities. Eg. Xss, SQL Injection, etc.

5. Cloud computing concepts. WHich one to choose? -> AWS, Azure, GCP and Alicloud

6. MVC, MVP, MVVM. Differences?

7. Private constructor and private class.

8. Operator overloading not supported in C#, Java but supported in C++. WHY??

9. How do we ask sb for job in LinkedIn?

10. ACID property in DBMS.

11. How do I craft that perfect msg for refferal on any social media platform (LinkedIn)?

12. About your background?? 

13. Why you chose ASP.NET Core over other frameworks?

14. How does routing and HTTP happen in ReactJS?

15. Observable vs Promise?

16. Publish vs Subscribe??

17. TFS vs Perforce vs Git??

18. Arent you overqualified for this job?

19. Your coding abilities? Rate it out of 10.

20. ConfigureServices and ConfigureMethods in ASP.NET Core.

21. Use of IHosting Environment.

22. Iservice Collection vs IService Provider.

23. Windows Service? How do you write code to build service??

24. Use of schedular in ASP.NET Core.

25. Windows Event Schedular??

26. How to host more than 2 sites in IIS sharing single instance? You may refer this for answer

27. How to host application on Linux/Unix, Apache and ngnix.

28. Nullable reference and default method in interface in C# 8?

29. Features of C# 8 and C# 9?

30. What is jwt? How to configure it in your application? Is there any alternative for jwt?

31. oAuth vs Auth??

32. Web socket??

33. How can we test static class and mock them?

34. How can we test void method?

35. Different token provider except default token provider in ASP.NET Core?

36. How does Authentication and Authorization happen in ASP.NET Core?

37. What are different tables populated using ASP.NET Identity?

38. Differnece betn claims, policies and roles. And why we need them?

39. How to call the API which is using jwt from SPA?

40. What happens when exception is thrown before closing the connection?

41. What is Identity Server?

42. What is AntiForgeryToken and why should we use it?

43. What is Html.BeginForm()?


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