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Showing posts from November, 2020

svn, cvs, vss... SVN server vs SVN Client - Lot's more of stuffs related like. Tortoise SVN and TortiseGit

  Developers describe  TortoiseGit  as " The Power of Git in a Windows Shell ". It is a Git revision control client, implemented as a Windows shell extension and based on TortoiseSVN. It is free software released under the GNU General Public License. On the other hand,  TortoiseSVN  is detailed as " The coolest interface to (Sub)version control ". It is a really easy to use Revision control / version control / source control software for Windows. It is based on Apache™ Subversion (SVN)®; TortoiseSVN provides a nice and easy user interface for Subversion.Since it's not an integration for a specific IDE like Visual Studio, Eclipse or others, you can use it with whatever development tools you like, and with any type of file.

Interview Experience in one of the IT/Software company of Kathmandu, Nepal

 Brief Position: Senior Software Engineer Experience: 4+ years 1. Tell abt your background. 2. Are you web developer or app developer? 3. Your expected salary? 4. How long will you work for us? 5. Do you have any offer in hand? 6. CORS policy? 7. Authentication and Authorization? 8. jwt Token. ANy idea abt it? 9. DI, Interface, Abstract class? 10. How you learn and how you choose the latest technology? 11. What do you talk with ur team members and managers? 12. When will you be back to Kathmandu? 13. Their main focus was VueJs, Kubernates and ASP.NET Core. 14. WHat does ASP.NET Core platform independent means? Does it mean it works in IoT or Linux, Windows platform like that? 15. What are your expected roles and responsibilites in ur future company? 16. How long will it take for you to join the company?

Interview Experience in one of the IT/Software company of Kathmandu, Nepal

 Brief  Position: Senior Software Engineer Experience: 4+ years All the questions were from the resume and maximum of those were from current company and the current roles. 1. Tell me abt ur background? 2. Functionalities of the product and how it works, whether its SaAS or PaaS or IAaS? 3. Can you plz explain how the admin and user part works in your project? 4. How you are supporting as a team to your end client? 5. Design Pattern and Design Principle? 6. WHat is Reflection and where is it used? 7. iOC? DI? 8. Which container you have used for DI? (AutoFac and .NET Core -> ServiceCollection)

SHELL India Bangalore (4+ Years Experience)

1. Tell me abt urself? 2. Dependency Injection? How does DI work in ASP.NET Core? 3. What is tuple in ASP.NET Core? 4. What is Web API in ASP.NET Core? How does Web API works? 5. What are the challenges we face while working with Web API and Single page application hosted in different URL? 6. Publish and subscribe in JavaScript? Working of them? 7. Interceptors in Angular? 8. Promise vs Observable? 9. What is pipe? How to create custom pipes? 10. Extension method in C#? 11. Lazy loading? How to accomplish lazy loading with EF? 12. Given 10000 records, how will you accomplish lazy loading in EF? 13. SingleOrDefault vs FirstOrDefault? 14. How does Web API Authentication is done? 15. Do you have any idea abt debugging of Stored procedures in C#?

LIS Nepal Pvt Ltd (Experience: 4+ years)

1. Why operator overloading is not possible in C# or Java? 2. What is polymorphism? 3. Difference between Interface vs Abstract Class. When to use one over other? 4. Why is String Immutable in Java or C#? 5. How to make class immutable in C# or Java? Note: With final keyword or Serialize attribute, we can create multiple objects but we cannot inherit the class. 6. What will happen when Serialize class does not have Serialize property? How u are going to resolve it? 7. What is Design Principle, Design Pattern, Architecture Style and Architecture Pattern? Why/When we use them? 8. What are the types of Design Pattern? 9. WHat is Factory method pattern? 10. Whatever we can achieve from Factory Method, same thing we can achieve from dynamic polymorphism? So why Factory Method pattern? 11. What is Dependency Injection? 12. WHat is Singelon Design Pattern? 13. Why is singleton pattern so important? 14. How does singleton design pattern works? 15. How can we implement singleton design pattern

SQL Server Important thigs..


Percoid IT Solutions

 1. Tell me abt yourself? 2. Why you left ur current company? 3. Why you used Dot Net Core with ANgularJS and not Angular? 4. Why you chose Dot Net Core vs Dot Net MVC or other technologies? 5. What was your role in the company? For ed. Coding, Project Architecture design or Team Lead or Management? 6. ANy idea abt Dependency Injection? (used for low coupling and high cohesion) 7. Why you use DI and what are its benefits? 8. What is SOLID principle? And plz explain each of them with real time example and how is it implemented in ur project? 9. MVC vs MVVM vs MVP? (MVVM --> used by AngularJs) 10. AngularJS vs jQuery? (jQuery uses one way data-binding and AngularJS uses 2 way data-binding, eg. Given an example A= B+C, in the text boxes so we dont need any event to calculate these in AngularJS because we can do it by ng-model). 11. In which u r very comfortable, ie. web application or app development or team management? 12. For reporting, you have used stored procedure or EF? 13. Do yo

Singapore Ecommerce App Pte Ltd

 1. Tell me abt urself? 2. Do have any idea abt nopCommerce? 3. How do you study abt the latest technologies? (official site, youtube, medium, stackoverflow and others) 4. How you approach to the problem in the existing system? (ask colleague - junior/senior, research on the existing system, documentation and media provided by the comapany and finally on the internet). 5. Do you have any idea abt web hosting? 6. How do you host two apps on a single instance on IIS? (make entry in HostFile) 7. Do you have any idea abt hosting platform and providers? (eg. Hosting on IIS, hosting on ngNinx) 8. Do you have an idea abt application server vs web server? 9. Any idea abt Identity Server? 10. Any idea abt Joins in SQL Server? What are the types of Joins? Explain with examples. 11. Do you have any idea abt mobile application development? 12. Which one you have used? ADO.NET or Entity Framework? 13. Do you have any experience with Web Services and WCF? 14. When can I expect you to join our compan

Errors in App Development (Android, Flutter...)

 Brief Contains all the errors occurred for me while working with App Development. Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper HAXM is not installed on this machine Open SDK Manager and download Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer) if you haven't. Now go to your SDK directory (C:\users\username\AppData\Local\Android\sdk, generally). In this directory, go to extras → Intel → Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager and run the file named " intelhaxm-android.exe ". In case you get an error like "Intel virtualization technology (vt,vt-x) is not enabled", go to your BIOS settings and enable hardware virtualization. Restart Android Studio and then try to start the AVD again. It might take a minute or 2 to show the emulator window. Please this answer for images Error in launching AVD with AMD processor

How do I find out how much RAM my computer can take?

Brief Typically, the more RAM your computer has, the more programs it can handle simultaneously. However, any computer (desktop or laptop) has the maximum RAM capacity, which is limited by different factors. So, it is necessary for you to know about the maximum RAM capacity of your computer before you upgrade RAM. In this post, we will show you the easiest way to check the maximum RAM capacity of a laptop or desktop. Step 1: Press Windows key + R simultaneously. Then type cmd in search box and press Enter . Step 2: In Command Prompt window, type wmic memphysical get maxcapacity and press Enter . Finally, the maximum capacity of RAM is shown on the screen (in kilobytes). Then you can convert kilobytes to gigabytes. That is the maximum RAM capacity that your computer can support. It is not recommended that you add more RAM to your computer than the maximum amount of RAM. If you add more RAM installed than the maximum, the extra RAM will not be used.

Errors in SQL (MySQL or SQL Server or SQLite)

   Brief Contains all the errors occurred for me while working with SQL Server or MySQL or SQLite. Can a table have the foreign key reference of more than one table and data along it?  Answer -> Yes SQL Server Invalid version: 15 (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) Ans -> Using SSMS version 18.0 instead of 17.0 seems to be working. You can download it from


 Brief This contains the details about the Architecture terminology widely used in Software Company and as well in other companies. In simple term , it contains the diagram of your whole application. This includes layers in the architecture (such as database, backend, frontend), design patterns, where data is located, where is service/api, explanation of the application and each parts in the application and flow of the data in the application. So, for this the clear picture of application features and requirements of application is the must. And should also have the clear knowledge of architecture style, architecture pattern, design pattern and design principles.

White Paper

 Brief This contains the details of the terminology White Paper used in the software company and as well in other companies. In simple term, it is the proper documentation of whatever you are going to build i.e. features in the application or the total number of menus and sub menus inside it.


 Brief We will discuss about Prototype the most widely used terminology in Software Development company other industries as well. In simple term, it is call POC(proof of concept). This determines application's  initial structure with few main functions like how it will look like and what it could do. So, you may depict this by either by using diagram or by sample app creations. Sample app will contains few or all the functionalities from the UI perspectives for which you may simply use html and css or some tools like adobe xd or photoshop or some other tools.

Errors in Blazor Server App

Brief Contains all the errors occurred for me while working with .NET Core Web Application. The IDP.Generic Virus when running blazor server app. This is false positive while blazor server app so please put in to the exception list. This will be detected by the Anti-Virus running in Windows machine. The 'inherits` directive must appear at the start of the line. This happened with me because I copy pasted whole code of page or components in razor from the internet. Solution  - Simply manually write the inherits at the top of page and it will work.

Erros in .NET Core - Web Application

 Brief Contains all the errors occurred for me while working with .NET Core Web Application. HTTP Error 500.24 - Internal Server Error -  An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode. This happens when running new created .net core - web application from the visual studio. fig. Error Solution1: Simply run your application from command line.  Solution2: Simply use your project name instead of the IIS Express and run your project.

Errors in Github

 Brief Contains all the errors which I have encountered while working with github and their soltuions. Git's famous “ERROR: Permission to .git denied to user” If problem is coming on windows then remove the Credentials from the Windows history. Go to Credential Manager Go to Windows Credentials See the github user is there. If yes, then update the username and password latest. If no, add new username and password for the Try connecting again. This time, it should prompt you for the correct username and password. Github - error(upcoming)

Errors in Software Development(Github, Gitlab, TFS or Azure Devops, C# NET, .NET Core, SQL, Flutter, ReactJS, ....)

 Brief This contains the link to errors which occurs when working with different platforms such as github, gitlab, and so on. Note - the errors here are only those which are occurred for me. Git Errors in Github Gitalb Errors in .NET Core - Web Application Errors in Blazor Server App Errors in SQL (MySQL or SQL Server or SQLite) Errors in App Development (Android, Flutter...)

Buying of upgradable Laptop

 Brief We will discuss which are the things we have to keep in mind while buying an upgradable laptop so that you will not need to regret or buy another laptop for at least 5 years despite of your heavy work loads. Just keep in mind below things first:- Buy laptop brand which has the maximum number of users at your place or country. Most importantly has the accessories or parts such as battery, charger, etc available at lowest cost than other laptops. Last but not the least, it has the service center near by so that when the parts are not available at other repairing center near you, you can go and get in service center. Please make sure not go with the hype and regret when your laptop gets issues like not working, battery problems, screen damage and so on after few months of buying it. Let's start with things which you look before buying the upgradable laptop. Please visit this page if you are not sure about the terminology used in this. CPU GPU RAM

Nepal Government Offices (Central - संघ, Province - प्रदेश and Local - स्थानीय)

 Brief This contains the link of the government offices in different levels i.e. Central, Province and Local levels of Nepal. Nepal Government Offices (Central - संघ) Nepal Government Offices (Province - प्रदेश ) Nepal Government Offices ( Local Level - स्थानीय तह)

How to check your laptop CPU, RAM and Hardisk(HDD or SSD) details?

Brief  To check which CPU, RAM and Hardisk is installed in your laptop you may  download CPU-Z software from here .   Or you can check these information in windows 10 by searching for 'System Information' in your laptop which gives details of your laptops and also, check the 'Task Manager' for brief descriptions and performance. Fig 1 System Information(CPU, RAM and Hardisk) Search Fig 1.1 System Information(CPU, RAM and Hardisk) Details Fig 2  Task Manager(CPU, RAM and Hardisk) Search Fig 2.1 Task Manager(CPU, RAM and Hardisk) Details

Terminology used in CPU, GPU, APU, RAM or Hardisk(HDD or SSD)

 Brief We will discuss the terminology used in the CPU, RAM or Hardisk(HDD or SSD). CPU GPU Si RAM Virtual Memory (From the  also called Page File,  Single Stick Dual Stick Single Channel Dual Channel Single Slot Dual Slot RAM Disk RAM Caching Note - More size, more frequency, more channel, and less latency is best for RAM but it depends upon your laptop, if your laptop mother board only supports 2400MHz frequency then buying more than that frequency of RAM is not good idea because your RAM will work at 2400MHz frequency only. If you want to use the High Frequency RAM then use the technique of RAM Disk and RAM Caching. Hardisk References & Recommendations 🔥 High Speed RAM 🔥 Does Memory Frequency Matter? 🔥Desktop vs Laptop 🔥 Hindi

Upgrade CPU, RAM & Hardisk

 Brief Here we will focus on what is the things which we have to keep in mind while upgrading CPU, RAM and Hardisk. To check which CPU, RAM and Hardisk is installed in your laptop you may  download CPU-Z software from here .   Or you can check these information in windows 10 by searching for 'System Information' in your laptop which gives details of your laptops and also, check the 'Task Manager' for brief descriptions and performance. CPU  Always prefer latest generation.  For eg. i7 is better than i5. i9 is better than i7. If you have to decide which one to choose from two same i5 processors.  Simply look the generation i.e. i5 of 8th generation is better than i5 of 7th generation. RAM Check which RAM your laptop supports i.e. DDR2, DDR3 or DD4. Quad Channel is better than Dual Channel, Dual Channel is better than Single Channel. Do not buy the latest RAM if your laptop does not support it. For eg. If your laptop supports DDR3 then you can buy any RAM of DDR3 but cann

RAM, CPU, GPU, HDD and SSD? All inside of it like (types, generations, speed and a lot more)

Brief Our laptop has SDRAM not the DRAM. You can use crucial software to scan your RAM & SSD upgrade in your laptop. ( Link ) CPU-Z to check the laptop hardware configurations mentioned in the title. 1. RAM   CAS latency The lower the CAS , the faster the RAM—and consequently, the more expensive. When deciding between RAM of different clock speeds, the RAM with the higher clock speed is superior; but when choosing between RAM of identical clock speeds, the RAM with lower CAS latency is faster. DDR3 RAM usually has a CAS latency of 9 or 10, while DDR4 will have a CAS latency of at least 15. However, because of its faster clock speeds, the newer standard has better performance overall. SDRAM vs DRAM Synchronous random access memory (SDRAM) is the same as (Dynamic Random Access Memory) DRAM except that regular DRAM is asynchronous. Synchronous random access memory stays synchronized with the computer's clock which allows greater efficiency in storing and retrieving data

Terminology Used In Software Development (Web/App)

 Brief This contains the most used terminology when working with software development i.e. both web application and mobile application. White Paper Prototype Architecture Sync & Async Cloud Cloud Native Architecture Styles Architecture Patterns Design Principles Design Patterns Low level Design UI/UX Software Hardware Domain/Domain Name DNS(Domain Name Server) Hosting/Web Hosting Identity Server Software Development http vs https Project Management, Product Owner, Scrum, Scrum Master, Agile...  Web Crawler: A Web Crawler will generally go through every single page on a website, rather than a subset of pages. Web Scraping: Web Scraping focuses on a specific set of data on a website. These could be product details, stock prices, sports data or any other data sets. You may reach out to  Anil Meharia for the best technology advice .