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Percoid IT Solutions

 1. Tell me abt yourself?

2. Why you left ur current company?

3. Why you used Dot Net Core with ANgularJS and not Angular?

4. Why you chose Dot Net Core vs Dot Net MVC or other technologies?

5. What was your role in the company? For ed. Coding, Project Architecture design or Team Lead or Management?

6. ANy idea abt Dependency Injection? (used for low coupling and high cohesion)

7. Why you use DI and what are its benefits?

8. What is SOLID principle? And plz explain each of them with real time example and how is it implemented in ur project?

9. MVC vs MVVM vs MVP? (MVVM --> used by AngularJs)

10. AngularJS vs jQuery? (jQuery uses one way data-binding and AngularJS uses 2 way data-binding, eg. Given an example A= B+C, in the text boxes so we dont need any event to calculate these in AngularJS because we can do it by ng-model).

11. In which u r very comfortable, ie. web application or app development or team management?

12. For reporting, you have used stored procedure or EF?

13. Do you have used JOINS in SQL Server?

14. Do you know abt T-SQL?

15. Given a scenario, there are: SerialNo, Name, Email Address columns in Person table.

a. Show all persons who have same name and count is more than one?

b. Select person who has no Email Address?

16. Why shoud we hire you? What are your expectations from Sr. Software role? What do you prefer- Sr. Software Engineer or Team Lead? 

17. What is your current salary and ur expected salary?

18. Given abest scenario of ur choice, how long will you work with us?

19. Do you have any questions for us?

20. When can you join us?

21. VueJs vs AngularJS vs ReactJS?


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