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ASP.NET Hosting Common Errors

  Troubleshooting common hosting issues In this section, we will look into some of the common problems that you can face while hosting a Blazor application. If you are unable to open the website and get a DNS not found error Check if the hostname is configured correctly in the host file. Make sure that your machine is not connected to any VPN server. Also, if you are using any Web proxy then disable it. HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error - The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid. This error message is clear. The publish folder is inaccessible because of insufficient permissions. Grant Read permission to the IIS_IUSRS group on the publish folder so that it can access Web.config file. If the website is loading but data is not getting populated and you get a 500 Internal server error Make sure that your connection string is in the correct format. The user id that you have specified in your connection string should have db


  Choose dividend companies in 5 steps Vo company dekho jo lagaatar 20 salo se dividend de rahi hai Vo company chose karo jo apni intrinsic value se sasti mil rahi hai Calculate karo Dividend Yield, Free Cashflow Yield aur Share Holder Yield Above 3 ka avaerage lo aur usko descending order me arrange karo Kuddh decision lo ki kaunsi company ke share leni hai References >

Sorry to you Vs Sorry for you Vs Ok for me Vs Ok to me

  'Sorry to you' means that you are sorry to the person maybe for something bad you have done which has upset them. "I am so sorry." 'Sorry for you' means you are sorry for the person because something bad has happened to them but it was not your fault. If you can empathise or sympathise with the person, you would say "I feel sorry for you". 'Ok for me' means something is good for you. It suits you. It is not bad for you. "That temperature is ok for me" 'Ok to me' is very similar. You could use this to agree with someone, 'That sounds ok to me'. There is not much difference between the statements. They are almost interchangeable. I hope my answer helped and that it wasn't confusing! :)

13 Cutting-Edge Technologies That May Soon Be Making A Big Impact

Brief This contains the cutting edge technologies in year 2021. 1. Homomorphic Encryption 2. 3D Multi-Sensor Transmitters 3. Robotics 4. IoT, 5G And Edge Computing 5. At-Home Digital Diagnostics 6. Conversational AI 7. Augmented Reality 8. Rapid Virus Testing 9. Quantum Computing 10. Passwordless Authentication 11. AR/VR In Real Estate And Construction 12. Always-On Connectivity 13. Nanotechnology References >

Business Goals vs. Objectives vs. Strategies vs. Tactics

Brief Recently I have encountered a few terms which a lot of confusion about them exists among business people. These terms are business goal, objective, strategy and tactic. At first glance, they might look like the same; however they are totally different from organisations’ standpoints and convey distinct concepts at different levels. In the following lines, I explain these terms along with a sample to make it more clear: Business Goal Goals are the broad primary outcomes towards which effort and actions are directed in a business. They are whats, not hows and a business might have multiple goals to achieve. For example, "we must be a leader player and increase our share in the home loan market". Normally there is no measurement in the definition of a goal and only gives you the general direction of the company. Business Objective Business objective differs from business goal in the sense that they are measurable and specific. It actually quantifies the thoughts and sets a

General Terminology

 Vision & Mission A Mission Statement defines the company's business, its objectives and its approach to reach those objectives.  A Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the company.  Elements of Mission and Vision Statements are often combined to provide a statement of the company's purposes, goals and values. Goals and Objectives  Goals are general guidelines that explain what you want to achieve in your community. Objectives define strategies or implementation steps to attain the identified goals. Unlike goals, objectives are specific, measurable, and have a defined completion date.

What are the differences in the roles of CEO, COO, CXO, CIO, and CFO?

CEO (Chief Executive Officer) CEO of any organization is the highest ranking officer of that company.  The CEO is responsible for corporate vision and strategy.  He creates the annual plans, validates budgets and revenue, organizational growth and expansion plans.  He communicates strategy and plans to board and takes approvals.  He connects with investors to ensure cash flow and fund for growth and expansion.  He signs the annual reports of the organization. In American English or managing director (MD) in British English describes the position of the most senior corporate officer, executive, or administrator in charge of managing an organization. COO (Chief Operating Officer) Is the senior manager who is responsible for managing the company's day-to-day operations and reporting them to the chief executive officer (CEO) Is responsible for the day to day operations of the organization.  Execution of plans created and validated by CEO is responsibility of COO. CFO (Chief Financial O

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Sleep related terminology

  A night terror is a sleep disruption that seems similar to a   nightmare , but is far more dramatic. Though night terrors can be alarming for parents who witness them, they're not usually cause for concern or a sign of a deeper medical issue. What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Night Terrors? During a night terror, a child might: suddenly sit upright in bed shout out or scream in distress have faster breathing and a quicker heartbeat be sweating thrash around act upset and scared

10 Financial Tips To Help You Grow Your Wealth: Biliz Maharjan

Brief Money is something we all want. If you have money, you can buy things and live the life of your dreams. A lot of people spend their time working for money. For most, the main source of income is their job. If you have a job, you can do three things with the money you have earned. You can either spend it, save it, or invest it. The way you manage these three activities can determine your financial intelligence and how wealthy you will become in the future. "Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone." —Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad Growing your wealth and becoming rich has nothing to do with your education or degree. It has a lot more to do with your financial intelligence. It is about your behavior towards money that matters. More on that later. Wealth can have a different meaning for each of us. What does becoming wealthy mean to you? Is it having a lot of money in your bank account? Is it the ability to afford the expensive things? Or is it having t

Share Market Terminology

 Brief Contains the share market related terminology. Also, please click on each item to see the details. EPS(Earnings Per Share):  The higher a company's EPS, the more profitable it is considered to be. DP(Depository Participant) charges: DP holding: Authorized Capital: Issued Capital: Paid up Capital: institutional promoters and individual promoters: M/S Sopan Company Limited is the major promoter of Mailung with a 39% stake as of now.  at a par value of Rs. 100 A 1:1 bonus means that  a shareholder will get one share for each share held by him . For example, if someone is holding 10 shares, he will get 10 more. The shareholders do not pay anything for these shares. Right Share  -  If a company listed in the stock exchange again issues the shares, the existing shareholders get the first right to purchase such shares. As such shares are the first right of the existing shareholders, they are called right shares. What is NEPSE Index, Sensitive & Float Index? How to Calculate? (

Interview Series - by Dr Ritesh Malik founder of @Innov8

 Brief How to start a business? How to raise funding? Planning to start a business? Our Guest Dr Ritesh Malik founder of @Innov8 Coworking will tell you everything about business, his mistakes, learnings and many interesting things. Watch the video to know more. 0:00 - Introduction 0:53 - Dr. Ritesh Malik's journey 6:12 - Initial Investment for the Startup 6:48 - When was Break-even achieved? 7:00 - Marketing Strategies in the initial phase 9:17 - Cost of one seat 9:28 - Major Challenges and their solution 12:34 - Equity Dilution in the first round 12:52 - How much Equity should be diluted in the starting? 13:40 - Explanation of different Funding Rounds 15:13 - Y Combinator Experience 17:20 - More about Education System 17:52 - Meeting the co-founder of Airbnb 19:03 - Hiring talent in the starting 21:35 - More about ESOPs 28:03 - How much ESOP should be diluted? 29:14 - Innov8's ESOP 28:48 - How to get funding from Dr. Ritesh Malik? 33:13 - Importance of

Off Campus Google | Roadmap to Google | Tier 3 college | okCredit #Google​ #Offcampus​

  ✨ Tags ✨ How to get into google Google placement questions Pre Placement Offer okcredit internship internship experience off campus placements Placement Diaries How to get an offer Off campus Off Campus Plcement Rejected Amazon Offer IITD Mood indigo rendezvous IIT NSUT Moksha DTU Engifest Bits Bitsgoa Timestamps: 00:00 ​ Introduction 01:06 ​ How he started programming? 04:22 ​ Avanse Financial Servicies 05:29 ​ Which all platforms did he use? 06:15 ​ Did you have a daily target of questions? 07:16 ​ Did you ever got stuck with problems? 08:10 ​ OkCredit Internship Process and experience 10:25 ​ Google interview process and rounds 14:53 ​ what all did you do during the gap weeks? 16:11 ​ Tips and Suggestions Link: Off Campus Google | Roadmap to Google | Tier 3 college | okCredit #Google​ #Offcampus​

Interview Experience in one of the USA based IT/Software company of Kathmandu, Nepal

 Brief Applied  on 5th Jan, 2021 and got interviewed in Feb and joined the company on 15th March, 2021 as Software Engineer (.NET). First I got call from the HR whether I am interested/available for interview. There were two round of interview (Technical and HR). Technical Interview The questions were from the C#, Data Structure and the SQL Server. 1) OOPs concept and I was asked to write code to depict OOPs concept. For eg. Class, Object, Inheritance and Polymorphism. 2) Time complexity of the code. For eg. If program has one loop and runs from 1 to n to print then what would be the complexity of that program and so on. 3) Notation like Big O. 4) How would you rate yourself from 1 to 9 in .NET and SQL Server? Other basic questions which you may find in my other companies interview experiences. It lasted for 30+ minutes. HR Interview The general questions which is asked all the HR interviews. 1) Introduction 2) Salary Expectation 3) Why leaving current company? 4) Why this company? 5)

Mysql port already in use

  Either a second instance of MySQL or another service is running on port 3306. You can either stop the service which is running on port 3306 by getting the process id of that service: netstat -a -n -o | find "3306" and then killing that process (e.g. for process id  1234 ): taskkill /pid 1234 /f or run MySQL on a different port. Mysql port already in use