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Types of keyboard and which one to choose for you?

There are several types of keyboards, including: Blue Switches keyboard: Tactile Clicky Sound, Key Feel is Light, Sound Level is Loud. The cheapest one. Green Switches keyboard: Tactile Clicky Sound, Key Feel is Heavy, Sound Level is Loud. The cheapest one. Red Switches keyboard: Linear Clicky Sound, Key Feel is Light, Sound Level is Quiet.The preferred one. Black Switches keyboard: Linear Clicky Sound, Key Feel is Heavy, Sound Level is Quiet. Brown Switches keyboard: Tactile & No Clicky Sound, Key Feel is Light, Sound Level is Quiet. The most preferred one. Clear Switches keyboard: Tactile & No Clicky Sound, Key Feel is Medium, Sound Level is Quiet. This us similar to brown switches but with medium feel. Tactile clicky sound and linear clicky sound refer to the types of feedback that a keyboard or other device provides when a button or key is pressed. A tactile clicky sound is a type of feedback that involves a physical sensation of a button or key moving down, as well as

Senior Software Engineer - .NET, Kathmandu

First Round (Decemeber 2022) ------------------------------- Brief: There were 4 people in the interview squad in the both round and each were experitise in their fields. .NET related questions were asked by .NET Expert. SQL related questions were asked by Database Expert. Front End related questions were asked by Front End Expert. Cloud Computing related questions were asked by DevOps Expert. First Round (December 2022) A. Question related to Exceptions & disposable. 1) What is the purpose of exception? 2) How is exception handling done in .NET?  3) What is the purpose of finally block? 4) What is the purpose of IDisposable interface?  5) Why we need to dispose object manually if it is automatically done by the framework? 6) Managed resource vs unmanaged resource? Unmanaged code vs managed code? B. Question related to LINQ or Lambada 1) what the purpose of LINQ or lambada?  2) What is lambad expression?  3) The method like First(), FirstOrDefault(), TakeWhile(), SkipWhile()? 4) IQ

Senior Software Engineer - .NET (Remote - India)

Job Profile  .NET Developer (Remote Job) Questions Start with your introduction. Total years of experience in .NET Technology. Any experience in Angular? How to convert the existing ASP.NET project to the .NET Core Web? Web API structure? Any idea about PATCH? What are the attributes used with WebAPI for eg. Authorize, Route and so on. What type of project you working and it's architecture? About multi-level architecture, client server and other architecture. Stored Procedure vs Functions Store proc returns the data set. CTE vs Joins vs Sub query - which one is faster? Joins is faster then CTE then sub query. What are the types of joins? Which joins we need to use first when they are used together?  Inner join is used first because it filters out the matched one. Entity Framework vs Dapper vs ADO.NET In EF, which approach one is best Code-First, Database First and Model First? Authentication and Authorization using Web API? Have you worked on any of the CLOUD - AWS, Azure? Have you

Popular job portals worldwide

 Apply on all the Canadian Jobsites like: Google linkedIn Monster Indeed and Workopolis   Apply on all the Ireland Jobsites like:   Critical Skills Occupations List - DETE ( LinkedIn Homepage ( RECRUITERS | Most trusted of all recruitment agencies Dublin  CSEP work visa does not require sponsorship visa, try by self in Ireland.      

Top 25 Microservice Interview Questions Answered - Java Brains

1:13 Explain microservices architecture 3:42 Name three commonly used tools for Micro  5:10 What is monolithic architecture?   5:51 What are the advantages of microservices?  9:50 What is Spring Cloud?   12:04 Discuss uses of reports and dashboards in the environment of Microservices   13:24 What are the main differences between Microservices and Monolithic architecture?   14:48 What are the challenges faced while using Microservices?   17:59 In which cases microservices architecture best suited?   19:39 Tell me the name of some famous companies which are using Microservice architecture   20:34 What are the characteristics of Microservices?   20:46 What is RESTful?   22:40 Explain three types of Tests for Microservices   23:57 What are client certificates?   24:46 Explain the use of PACT in Microservices architecture.  26:29 What is the meaning of OAuth?  28:19 What is End to End Microservices Testing?   29:14 Why are Container used in Microservices?   30:16 What is

Book recommendation by Gurus in their fields

Books mentioned: Recommended by Telusko and JavaBrains Monolith to Microservices : Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith. - Book by Sam Newman Cloud Native Java : Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry. - Book by Josh Long and Kenny Bastani Designing Data-Intensive Applications: T he Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems. - Book by Martin Kleppmann URL:   MicroServices Q&A with JavaBrains | Live In conversation with: Navin Reddy from Telusko In conversation with Koushik (Java Brains)   Learning Programming in 2022 | Koushik, Navin & Hitesh with Ranga

Pro tips for software developers.

 A) 4 steps to master a new technology - Java Brains Go to the official website and look for quick start guide. They usually cover the very minimum to get your feet wet. It gives a taste of what the technology/framework is all about. Read and actually do the steps. Take a YouTube/video course . This will give a good progressive learning with a guide. This should give a fair idea.  If your career depends on this new technology, pick a good book . Don’t have to follow end to end but get a good grasp of concepts. Don't have to do all the exercises but understand core concepts.  Build something from scratch . Take the technology in isolation and do a project with it. This will reduce the mental overload of using the technology with several other technologies as it usually happens in regular jobs.  This order is recommended but all steps are not mandatory. Depends on how deep you want to dive depending of the relevance of the technology to your career. Link - JavaBrains (Youtube) B)

Sync and Async

Sync and Async are like in the post office.  Sync - When you go to take your package you wait inline till your number comes and then you are served (wasting time and stopping all your daily tasks). Async - You get your number via SMS and you keep with the rest of the day and when your turn arrives you get a message on your phone to come and get your package.

Git commands and errors

 The “ nothing added to commit but untracked files present ” error is raised when you create new files in your local working copy of a repository and forget to add them to the staging area before you pull a new version of the repository.   List All Branches To see local branches, run this command: git branch. To see remote branches, run this command: git branch -r. To see all local and remote branches, run this command: git branch -a.   To delete a local branch in Git, you simply run: git branch -d <branch-name> ... git branch -D <branch-name> ...  Show all your stashes You can show all your stashes with git stash list. Maybe you can write a script to show both git stash list   and git log and use it with an alias. STASH RELATED QUERIES  Q) How to discard the particular stash? Q) How to discard the particular files in the stash? Q) How to modify the particular files in the stash? Q) How to remove/delete the stash? Q) How to revert the stash? Q) How to commit the stash? Q)

How To Fix “100% Disk Usage Issue On Windows 10 Or 11”

Brief The below mentioned approach solved "100% Disk Usage Issue On Windows 10 in my Sony VAIO" laptop. Reload The Search Index After Deleting It Windows Search Index is one of the most prevalent causes of high disc utilization. It is responsible for swiftly locating files and directories by analyzing the disc and converting it into an index. However, certain Windows 10 vulnerabilities might enable the search index to perform unlimited loops, forcing the disc to overflow. To fix this problem, go to Start and enter “Indexing.” Select I ndexing Options from the drop-down menu. Select Advanced from the drop-down menu. Then you have to select Rebuild . Choose OK when asked. This will wipe and reconstruct the index, perhaps resolving the factor that causes the hard drive to overheat. It, unfortunately, may just keep it from entering a ‘search loop’ for a short time, until Windows is restarted. Thankfully, there is a process of turning off the Windows Search Index completely. Refe

Things To Know in 2022

Brief Here will be making notes of the things we have to know before starting the related stuffs in details so that it would be easy for us to move on. Working with VueJS  Have knowledge of below stuffs before dip diving into the VueJS for better understanding.   Composition API