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8 Important Skills to Make Your Resume Stronger


Job hunting has become a science. If you are successful in devising the perfect equation, you will stand a chance to get the job. The highly competitive and tight job market requires you to do all that keeps you at an edge.

Your resume is your one and only chance to capture your potential employer’s attention. Hence, the importance of a well drafted resume cannot be stressed enough. The main purpose of your resume is to make you look like a perfect fit for the role. Your first and only contact with your potential employer, it has the ability to build the most important step between you and the job you are applying to.

Listed below are eight skills and qualities that will make your resume stronger.

#1 Teamwork
Often you will require a team to complete a project keeping your individuality tact. Therefore, it is crucial to be able to work in a team efficiently and effectively regardless of the job title you are applying to.

In your resume, back your skills with examples. Mention your learnings from previous experience and how you have polished your skills with time.
Recommended Read: – How to Keep your Skills Current!

#2 Ability to Solve Problems
Pick up any job description. You would find a problem that needs a problem solver. Customer support, web designing, web developer or any other tech or not tech job, the employer would like to see the skill problem solver on your well-formatted CV.

Include a time when you successfully handled a problem and brought out effective solution at work.

#3 Skills to Plan and Organize

Keeping your tasks organized to planning a project with your team, there will be a number of times when you might need planning skills at your job. You should quote an example or two to back your skill.

When in an interview you can talk about a complicated project and how your organizational skills helped you through it.

#4 Analysing Skills

A number of jobs like market research analyst, data analyst, web developers’ etc. need analysing skills to analyse the huge chunk of data given to them. So this skill is more of a necessity for these job titles. For others also, analysing skill is a strong skill and will definitely make your CV/resume stronger.

#5 Ability to Create Reports
Every manager needs reports. Every employee needs report. It is also important that you have reports that document your work. Too much reports? Well, today in the digital arena creating reports is a skill and people who are good at it land at a job much more easily.

Making reports is no rocket science. It is just a way of collecting data and presenting it in a way that it is easily understood by the reader.

#6 Skill to Adapt to Changes
In this fast developing technology era, changes happen more often than they used to happen in the past. What you might have learned around a year back might not work at the moment but you should be open you learn and adapt to the new changes. Showing this in your resume and job interview would help you fetch the job easily.

#7 Ability to Research
Are you a google pro? Or in other words are you capable of finding information easily? If that is the case with you, you are already ahead of a number of job seekers. Finding information to complete your job is a key point that every job seeker must needs to understand. It allows you be constantly updated with a number of changes and scenarios of your industry. Hence, it tells the employer that you have the knowledge as well as have the capability to research.

#8 Skills to Manage Projects

If you are looking for growth in whatever field you are working in, then it is necessary that you develop managerial skills. Tell the employer you are capable to manage a team and get work done. This skill has a number of other skills encompassed in it like leadership qualities, communication skills and skills to negotiate.

These skills are generic in nature but are major requirement in every field and every industry. Hence, for a resume that catches the eye of the employer in those first six seconds of glance should include some or all of these skills. So make your resume stronger by adding some or all skills and be ready with examples to support every skill.




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