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Pro tips for software developers.

 A) 4 steps to master a new technology - Java Brains

  1. Go to the official website and look for quick start guide. They usually cover the very minimum to get your feet wet. It gives a taste of what the technology/framework is all about. Read and actually do the steps.
  2. Take a YouTube/video course. This will give a good progressive learning with a guide. This should give a fair idea. 
  3. If your career depends on this new technology, pick a good book. Don’t have to follow end to end but get a good grasp of concepts. Don't have to do all the exercises but understand core concepts. 
  4. Build something from scratch. Take the technology in isolation and do a project with it. This will reduce the mental overload of using the technology with several other technologies as it usually happens in regular jobs. 

This order is recommended but all steps are not mandatory. Depends on how deep you want to dive depending of the relevance of the technology to your career.

Link - JavaBrains (Youtube)

B) Whiteboard Coding Interviews: 6 Steps to Solve Any Problem

  1. Repeat: make sure you do understand the problem. 
  2. Example: get insights by doing examples 
  3. Approach: come up with your approach(es) to the problem (brute force first) 
  4. Code: write the code for your chosen approach 
  5. Testing: pass the testcases 
  6. Optimize: optimize the complexities (time and space) of your algorithm

Link - Fullstack Academy (Youtube) 

C) LeetCode guideline

Try to see which type of problems is solved via which type of patterns and how that is optimized.

Link - Kunal Kushwaha(Youtube)

5 Mistakes: 

  1. The details aren't always there (ask questions in an Interview)
  2. Working Code ISN'T everything (improve your efficiency
  3. Your code isn't evaluated, YOU ARE! (think out loud
  4. Focusing on things that don't matter (don't worry about comparative statistics on Leetcode) 
  5. Not practicing in the right setting (practice without autocomplete/syntax highlighting using a whiteboard/pen-paper) 

Aspects like how you communicate, listen and respond to things matter as much as your coding skills.

Link - Java Brains(Youtube) 

 D) My Three (actually four) Takeaways:

  1. Learning is something specific to an individual. Work out what works for you. 
  2. Focus on building something rather than on frameworks and tools. 
  3. Spend time identifying what tool/framework/language to learn. 
  4. Choose to go hands-on at the right time.
  5. Learning is not acquiring knowledge. It's a behaviour change.
  6. Don't get attached to technology or tool. 
  7. Allocate some time to learn while working on your project task.
  8. Environments (Java/Python/JavaScript etc..) follow certain standards.. And limits our way of looking at things.. There could be other ways of doing things we don't learn unless we try.
  9. Also one more thing I learnt today is people with 20 years of experience also start with "Hello World" example..

How to Learn Continuously and Re-skill | Koushik, Ranga & Siva | Video 2  



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