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Showing posts from February, 2017

Heating the water.

# RePost  :  # just_for_your_help Heating the water. As the temperature of the water begins to rise, the frog adjust its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps adjusting its body temperature with the increasing temperature of the water. Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog cannot adjust anymore. At this point the frog decides to jump out. The frog tries to jump but it is unable to do so because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water temperature. Very soon the frog dies. What killed the frog? Think about it! I know many of us will say the boiling water. But the truth about what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when to jump out. We all need to adjust with people & situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust & when we need to move on. There are times when we need to face the situation and take appropriate actions. If we allow people to exploit us physically, emotionally, financ

Accenture_Placement_paper for IT operation profile through eLitmus!

# # If  you guys going for F2F rounds then must follow below details :- 1. Communicate well . 2. Go through your resume each and every content. 3. Go through about Accenture IT operation profile. 4. Just be confident, answer well ! 5. prepare well from some logical / non-technical questions ! Accenture Interview is one of the easiest interview proces but don't take it as lightly ! give your best 100% .........and yeh Be creative in interview ! # Some  Interview experience :- Asked questions :- - About project, - Some simple technical question, - Question like why Accenture, - Are you comfortable working in IT, - How do you explain IT for a small child of 10 years age. (SOME BASIC INTERVIEW QUESTION. GOOGLE IT YOU WILL GET PLENTY.) # More  details check here :- 1. 2. 3.

#ACCENTURE Placement papers and Pattern for ASE profile

@ALL 2016 batch people for Accenture must prepare well from your communication skill your interpersonal skill ! Go through your resume each and every content ..they will not ask much que from technical side so Just prepare well from whatever you know...go through your college projects , college subjects ! be creative in interview ...!! As many guy's also having interview through eLitmus so you can follow this : there will be only two round tech + HR.! Must follow this all ques  :) damn sure u all will be placed for sure..@ all d best. guys  :)  @ Shared by placed guy.! ------------------------------------------- Associate Software Engineer Interview i had applied through Elitums and received the call for direct interview Tech nd HR in New Delhi. Technical Interview: 1st question was 'Introduce yourself' ^as expected, I introduced myself started from my name,educational qualification B.Tech(IIIT Jabalpur), area of interest,interest to work in Software fie

#ACCENTURE Placement papers and Pattern through AMCAT !

Note :- IF you people got based on AMCAT test then there will be only 2 rounds : 1 technical and 1 hr !! Some time GD also happening so be prepared !! If you got directly without amcat test then first round will be amcat online test then same 1 technical and 1 hr !! For Technical just be prepared from your resume...Go through your college projects, College subject your Hobbies .........!! That's it!! @ALL 2016 batch people for Accenture must prepare well from your communication skill your interpersonal skill ! Go through your resume each and every content ..they will not ask much que from technical side so Just prepare well from whatever you know...go through your college projects , college subjects ! be creative in interview ...!! ===================================== ROUND 1: ONLINE APTITUDE TEST: 1) Written Test: 2) Sections - 60 Ques, 60 Mins. Section 1: (20 questions): Verbal (Refer barron's GRE) - 5 questions on reading comprehensions (i.e passage re

Don't forget to ask for bill in train, do you wanna know why, read this by retired IAS

“INDIAN RAILWAY CATERING SCAM IN PANTRY CARS Shivendra K. Sinha IAS Ret’d Last week i was travelling from Visakhapatnam to Howrah in Yesvantpur-Howrah Express. Ordered Veg. meal from the pantry car, as per waiter it was Rs.90/- only. I have always in mind that these people are charging very high for the meals but never took it seriously. But this time i determined to enquire about it. Googled about the rate card and menu, found this website, IRCTC Help: IRCTC Latest Food Menu Rates I was shocked when I saw the rates – Veg meals which pantry car person was selling at Rs 90 was priced only Rs 50/- Non-Veg meals pantry car rate was priced Rs 100 is only Rs 55/- Two more options are also available as Standard Thali Meals- Veg and Non-Veg atRs 35 and Rs 40. After meals , i handed over Rs 50 to the waiter, but he was demanding 90. I asked him about the RATE CARD, he refused to have any such thing. Shown him the above website and rates, he was like Rs. 50 will be ok but DON’T TELL ANYONE. I

HR Email for Business Development Profile t

Hi friends here has some hr email id for  # Business # development  profile. Check and apply in these.. These email id for #Business #development profile. # NO

Interview experience of ibm shared on BJS on Facebook

# IBM_Interview_Experience Hello Guys.. I joined this group about a month back unaware of the fact that BJS will actually play a vital role in my success.. Today I received my confirmation from IBM and proudly I am an IBMer now.. A big THANK YOU to Bjs Group ,all the admins are doing a fantabulous job for its members. BJS Group is doing a fabulous ground work and giving a launch pad for all its members. A special mention to  Er Pavan Pathak . Bhaiya .. You have been my guiding lamp. The thing what you said me once remained in my mind ie. "One needs to work smartly rather than hardly and job milne k liye 2months bhi kafi hai ". I wanted to prove it, since this was my very first Interview and fortunately I cracked it . Bhaiyu because of you I could get this opportunity to attend the IBM drive and I am grateful . Coming to my interview experience .. I hope my experience will help many job seekers who are about to attend the upcoming IBM drives. I attended the Mangalore

19 Super Tricky IAS Entrance Exam Questions The Smartest Of You Won’t Be Able To Answer

IAS is one of the toughest exams to crack. People who have studied for it, or better still, cleared it, would tell you how competitive it can get, and how tough the whole process of getting through really is. It's nothing like giving the boards where you mug up everything and vomit it out on a paper. You actually need to an incredibly smart person here. Once you have cleared the written examination, you are called in for an interview session, so only the very best of the best make the cut.  We found 19 really quirky questions (and answers) that were asked in the two stages of the examination process. These questions don't check how well you know the subject, but how knowledgeable you really are, and how witty you can get. Check them out, see if you can solve them without checking out the answers (given at the end of the article). Q1: How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it? Q2: What looks like half apple? Q3:  What will you do if I run awa

Worried about IT Jobs and you have following questions in your mind. Then you are at right place.

How far I am familiar with the IT guys like me. We are in always in confusion which profile to choose either testing or development. In each of the profiles there are again several branches and technologies or tools to be known and so on. And because of maximum of path we always come in illusion and might come to choose the path of not interest because other have chosen that. Here, I will discuss with you all what are the profile you have to choose and why? 

Worried about job, opportunities, preparing and cracking any exam, here are few tips I personally recomnmend

We have seen many people either  undergraduates, graduates or other people still searching job or preparing so on but still yet unemployed.  Thought of day: "Work hard in smart way always has best outcomes but it may take little more time".                            Seconds in hindi "Bhabwan ki ghar me der hai ander nahi".                            Third "It's never too late if you are really ready for something". You might be thinking there are several thoughts and opinion you can find on internet. But, will these solve your problem. If I were you I would definitely say,  "YES YES YES". There reason is if you have well planned and structured way of living your life then it always a fun. Some still might be thinking if we plan our life it will be very much boring and bla bla. Note it properly I didn't mean to say make and routine and follow on daily basis. For instance, attending of boring lecture of class and so on. I m