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Worried about job, opportunities, preparing and cracking any exam, here are few tips I personally recomnmend

We have seen many people either  undergraduates, graduates or other people still searching job or preparing so on but still yet unemployed. 

Thought of day: "Work hard in smart way always has best outcomes but it may take little more time".
                           Seconds in hindi "Bhabwan ki ghar me der hai ander nahi".
                           Third "It's never too late if you are really ready for something".

You might be thinking there are several thoughts and opinion you can find on internet. But, will these solve your problem. If I were you I would definitely say,  "YES YES YES". There reason is if you have well planned and structured way of living your life then it always a fun. Some still might be thinking if we plan our life it will be very much boring and bla bla.

Note it properly I didn't mean to say make and routine and follow on daily basis. For instance, attending of boring lecture of class and so on. I meant to say you should know what you are doing and how it is going to impact your career and the future in any aspects. It is said "Anything in excess is always worse". So plan your life accordingly.
Now, come to the tips that we all are waiting for. Here, I have divided these sections in to three categories as below:
  1.  Still studying but not in final year
  2. In final year and college pass out
  3. Lost one or more year in search of opportunities or preparing for exam and so on reasons.
Let me provide the tips for each categories in details.
  1. Still studying but not in final year: 
    For those who are just joined the diploma course or bachelor or any higher degree course and have plan to go for public sector job or IT job or any other type of occupations of own interest. Then, these are the point you have to take in consideration:
        a) Search on internet or contact your seniors or any person whom you know by any means either through social media or personally about their opinion on various type of opportunities they have. For instance, when I was in final year in B.Tech-CSE, I was planning to go for masters and I talked about this with my teacher and he ask me "why you are going for masters and not for job".  And I was just blank and he gave me the answer and then  I opted for job. Because bachelor is more than enough to get best IT job in India.
        b) Search for various aspect you can apply for with your pursuing degree. For instance, a B.Tech graduate can apply for internship for several IT companies, preparation for GATE and so on.
        c) What ever is your future plan get it documented well and get all the study materials both in you laptops, in notebook and books. Never compromise for these.
        d)Never hesitate to ask questions on any of the portal like stackoverflow, quora, indiabix and even with any people.
        e) Lastly, if you are not started preparing then you must start from now otherwise you will definitely going to fall in trap which will brings a lot of frustration and pressures from surroundings.
  2. In final year and college pass out: (First Category is compulsory to read)
    This is the time at the end of which we all use to make the plan for the future, which actually need to be done in the above category. If you still have not done any planning then do the followings:
         a) If going for job make your resume (CV) as explained in below link:
    Resume writing with example
         b) If you planning for higher degree then think why you are going for that and what are the job aspects after pursuing that in your country and in the country you are planning for.
         c) Planning for govt. job then get the syllabus and all the materials and join the better institute finally prepare very well.
         d) Planning for job then make list of company, questioned asked in each company, necessary examination to be taken and company official website.
  3. Lost one or more year in search of opportunities or preparing for exam and so on reasons:  (Above Categories are compulsory to read)
    Maximum of the people fall in this categories in the world. And the best people generally comes out from this and they earn alot of cash and name. The reason behind this is ,they have faced alot of failure and difficult situation of their life and merged out as the strongest person.
    This is the time where people either perish or survive. Check out the following tips:
         a) As you have seen different situation of your surrounding, you have better knowledge how the surrounding is moving on. So, be like and merge yourself in to that. Darwin has said that the person who adapt themselves to the surrounding will live otherwise they will die.
         b) Prepare your plan with strong background. During these period you might have met with several people and you might have understood their level of thinking.

    For more please comment. Mention, If I have missed something. Thank you for your time.


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