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#ACCENTURE Placement papers and Pattern through AMCAT !

Note :- IF you people got based on AMCAT test then there will be only 2 rounds : 1 technical and 1 hr !! Some time GD also happening so be prepared !!
If you got directly without amcat test then first round will be amcat online test then same 1 technical and 1 hr !!
For Technical just be prepared from your resume...Go through your college projects, College subject your Hobbies .........!! That's it!!
@ALL 2016 batch people for Accenture must prepare well from your communication skill your interpersonal skill ! Go through your resume each and every content ..they will not ask much que from technical side so Just prepare well from whatever you know...go through your college projects , college subjects !
be creative in interview ...!!
1) Written Test:
2) Sections - 60 Ques, 60 Mins.
Section 1:
(20 questions): Verbal (Refer barron's GRE) - 5 questions on reading comprehensions (i.e passage reading), 5 questions on sentence completion, 5 synonyms, 5 antonyms.
Section 2:
(20 questions): Aptitude (refer R.S. Aggarwal) - Just refer these chapters (profit & loss, percentage, time & work, time & distance, allegation & mixtures, ratio & proportion, average, simplification (Question number - 76 to 95). That's enough!
Section 3:
(20 questions) - Logical reasoning(10 question) and analytical reasoning questions(10 question) - (for analytical refer barron's GRE).
(Note: Hi guys/gals!!! for all the above ques(i.e. verbal, aptitude and reasoning), you can refer newly arrived monthly magazine COMPETITION WORLD - available in majestic.
They announced the results of first round after 40 minutes or so. I cleared the aptitude round without any much of pain, once you have cleared the Apti round 80% of job is done somehow.
Well all students were divided into groups of four and sent to give personal interview. So after 1 hour of waiting my name was called out. I entered the room, a man in his mid 40's was seated doing some of his paperwork.
He asked me to get seated.
Q1 - Tell me about yourself?
Ans - Told with confidence (believe me first impression is the last impression)
Q2 - So why Accenture?
Ans - Told all I knew about Accenture (do some pre research about the company)
Q3 - Why should I hire you?
Q4 - Who is your inspiration?
Ans - My dad (with a smile).
Q5 - Tell me about your family?
Q6 - Tell me something about Operating Systems?
Q7 - Tell me about trouble shooting?
And I gave all answers with a bright smile and confidence. The results were given after 15-20 minutes of waiting and I was selected :).
Another interview exp :- Technical + HR Interview :
We were divided into group of 5 members and Interview panel consists of 2 persons (Tech+HR). Lets Jump into the interview part.
Introduction: Tell me about yourself and blah blah ! (Basic question asked in Any Company Interview)
Extempore Round (The topics are randomly selected by HR so be confident on what you say. This round is to check your communication skills and confidence level. So once you start with something try to add some valuable points into your content. Approximate time (10 Mins) 2 mins for each candidate. Our Topic was “What are the challenges India Facing Today”
Questions Asked : (Please refer previous placement papers for more questions)
C & C++ Difference
Basic OOPs concepts
Final Year Project
Some Basic Programs
Why you want to join Accenture
Some general questions apart from your stream & Resume
Luckily we all batch mates have cleared this round and selected for Accenture. I dont know the exact figure but I guess around 400+ candidates were selected out of 3k candidates. All the best !
Success Mantra: “Time goes by, But journey never ends, Just keep going, Don’t stop, Don’t give up, And one day you will get success”


  1. Can’t tell a good article, because it is more than that, thanks keep going...
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