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#ACCENTURE Placement papers and Pattern for ASE profile

@ALL 2016 batch people for Accenture must prepare well from your communication skill your interpersonal skill ! Go through your resume each and every content ..they will not ask much que from technical side so Just prepare well from whatever you know...go through your college projects , college subjects !
be creative in interview ...!!
As many guy's also having interview through eLitmus so you can follow this :
there will be only two round tech + HR.! Must follow this all ques :)
damn sure u all will be placed for sure..@ all d best. guys :) @
Shared by placed guy.!
Associate Software Engineer Interview
i had applied through Elitums and received the call for direct interview Tech nd HR in New Delhi.
Technical Interview:
1st question was 'Introduce yourself' ^as expected, I introduced myself started from my name,educational qualification B.Tech(IIIT Jabalpur), area of interest,interest to work in Software field and then came to my basic education then family background that's all.
2nd Ques: Then recruiter asked about my projects(Top 2 from resume). I explained.
3rd Ques: Write a HTML code that represent the header,footer and divisions in browser(very simple).i designed.
4th Question: Design a database and explain the keys with the example? I created Company database and explained Primary Key, Foreign Key, Super Key etc.
5th Ques: Write the connection string of JDBC API (that is part of my project)? I wrote full code and explained step by step.
6th Ques: What is polymorphism? I explained and ask him to explain further i.e. Compile Time and Run Time Polymorphism, He replied- No, its ok.
7th Ques: what is Stack and Queue? i answered and started to implement in link list.He interrupted me in-between and said- its ok.
Then interviewer told me that its done.Thank you.
I came out and wait for 5 minutes and asked to go 4 HR round.
HR Interview:
1st Ques: as expected 'Tell me about yourself'.
2nd Ques: What have you done something different in your course? i explained about my B.Tech Project.
3rd: I noticed that you have good technical skill, Do you want to be the part of Accenture Technology services i.e Software Engineering.? I replied- 'Yes Sir' I have good exercise in java language and Databases and enthusiastic to work as a Software Engineer.
Again he asked that where do u want 2 see urself after 5 years? I replied that I would like 2 achieve a good position like project manager or HOD of any Software Department.
then he asked many questions like Location preference, Gap in study and reason, relocation, nightshifts, bond policy etc.
Shared by some placed guy....
ccenture recruitment process is different from others we will have a group of 5 people. I along 4 people entered into panel. They make groups irrespective of branches you belong to. In my group there are 2 E.C.E , 2 C.S.C and 1 CIVIL people. They asked questions individually. They asked questions about,
- Our project and internship and few questns related to them.
- Challenges you faced in doing them.
- How did you use your practical knowledge for your personal purpose.
- What are your long term and short term goals?
- Do you want to be a team member or team leader?
- Have you ever led a team and what problems did you face and how did you face them
- Few core subject related questions.
They generally ask these questions to know what person you are, how did you apply your theoritical knowledge practically, to know whether you are flexible or not and to test your communication skills and for Accenture communication skills are very important.
I'm done with my interview by afternoon itself and I felt like it was very quick. I'm confident that I will be selected. Next day I came to know that I was selected and I felt very happy.
The final suggestion I would like to give u ppl is to be confident and maintain smile at all times.
===== Another candidate exp ===============
as i had posted earlier i got placed in #accenture
well guys i would like to share my experience
there was only #one round for the process
it was tech & HR combined..
there were 5 candidates in each group for interview process
so u have to utilize ur chances well.
it doesnt matter if u r not from cs/it branch. if u r appearing for the interview u should know basics of c/c++
for cs/it guys prepare ur project and dbms well
in the end its not like there was any specific extempore round.. they gave us a topic and asked our point of view. also its not a gd round. we were asked individually to put our points.
communication skill and confidence is very important
interview lasted for about 20 mins
now mind may seem like easy as there is only one round, but 2/5 were selected in my group and the scenario for other groups was similar.
Shared by placed guy..
PI and HR was dated on 30th aug, and reporting time was 8.30 ,there was not much crowd till 10,it was like approx 300 to 400,, and i had my frst round at 10 a.m.
we were all divided into 12 to 14 panels each consisting of 5 to 10 candidates, and to my panel mine was the 2nd group.
whn we entrd the cabin for a interview (it was 5 is to 2 ),, there was one hr persn and one technicl person..
they simply gave us each a indivdiual topic to speak on (extempo). each was askd to talk for few mins,, after tht each of us had some exchnge of ideas based on that topic. byas!! they told us to wait outiside ,,and after 15 mins they declared the results...
after tht i went again to tht roo to ask about the further rounds,then the hr told they already had a look in to our amcat scores so no need of techncls...
this was almost familier with all other panels, but some of the panesl wre dere who were askng techncl qstion as well along with gd;s..,, rejection ration was less in the morning but as the day goes off the ration realy increased a lot....
fianlly : for the job seekers,, give your amcat very srsly ,score above 90 atleast in logical.. to avoid tehnicals and to have a cake walk..
ACCENTURE is only looking for candidates who can communicate,, a master of english fluency in not evn is reqd.. a trier will get a place for sure.. p.s. if thr is any extempo round,, plz whtever topic they throws at u,, grab it and say wht ever u like,, dnt chnge the topic or else u ll b cancelled may b u "SHAKIRA" in speaking, and they ll give u 1 min to thnk upon,, dnt thnik strt saying somethng den thnk while u speak..
it was all wht i experinced last day,, the day begun with so much tension ,,but it all got over by 10.15,, it was a cake walk,,
More u can check here


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