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Globussoft interview experince, 2016, Bangalore

Interview Experience
Company: Globussoft
Address: No. 58, 2nd Floor, L V Complex,7th Block, 80 Feet Road, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560095
Phone:0788 408 3007

Process of selection:
For Java and .Net candidates.
1) Technical program execution: Take your time from 10 am to 5 pm. Execute Question 3 out of 5.
2) Technical face to face.
3) HR face to face
1) Question in Technical,
Note: I do not remember the whole question because its too too LONG so, I have written in my own way, I have mentioned the input and output and logic .

Q 1) Rajiv has 3 sons. On the "Happy new year" Rajiv give bonus to his son. He has coin from 1 - 50. He can give any combination to his sons. Now, your task to do one thing: collect the coin and distribute to all the three(3) sons in equal amount. If they get equal amount then print Happy new year otherwise print Sad new year.
  a) 1, 2, 3
  output: sad new year

Explanation: we cannot divide the coin.
1st son: 1 => Amount = 1
2nd son: 2 => Amount = 2
3rd son: 3 => Amount = 3

here, the amount is not equally divided to all three(3) sons i.e. 1, 2, 3. So, sad new year

  b) 1, 3, 17, 6, 4, 3, 4, 1, 7, 5
  output: happy new year
  Explanation: The 3 son get the following coins
1st son: 1, 3, 5, 7, 1 => Amount = 17
2nd son: 6, 4, 3, 4 => amount = 17
3rd son: 17 => amount = 17

here, the amount is equally divided to all three(3) sons i.e. 17 so, Happy new year.
Q 2) Fibonnacci series questions. Chennai Express movie character name dont need to remember. Print the following series:
1, 3, 8, 20, 50, 123.

Logic I Solved: print 1 as it is
now, 1 * 2 + (1 + 0) = 3
3 * 2 + (1 + 1) = 8
8 * 2 + (3 + 1) = 20
20* 2 + (8 + 2) = 50
50* 2 + (20 + 3) = 123
Q 3) A class teacher asked to X that Y and Z have 10 Apples. And Y has 2 more apples than Z. X said that Y has 6 Apples and Z has 4 apples then, teacher asked by increasing the number of apples and X answered the value correctly. But, he couldnot
for larger number. Now, its your turn to answer correctly.

Total apples Y and Z : 10
Total more Apple Y has more than Z : 2

Y has : 6 Apples
Z has : 4 Apples.

===><==> I don't remember the below two question properly <=====>
Q 4) A girl X is so beautiful so all guys want to date her. So, She called all the guy to the garden and she asked them to collect the
card from the bucket which contains the number of check post where they have to move. And She decided to date the guy who will meet with her at check post.
For each meet with Girl, boy will get Only one point. Check post can be repeated. Boy collect the Max point date her.

Input: /* Here 0 is dead end */
Beautiful Girl X : 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 0
Boy Y: 2, 3, 4, 0

max point obtained by Boy Y is : 1

Explanation:a) X and Y start their race from 1 and 2 respectively.
b) Both X and Y now move to 2 and 4 respectively.
c) Both X and Y now move to 4. Here, both meet together so, Boy    Y get One(1) point.
d) Both X and Y now move to 3 and 0 respectively.
But Boy is done because he reached to dead end(0).
Now girl alone move to dead end(0) from 3 to 5 and finally to 0.
Q 5) It was based on the Game. X and Y play the game. Length of Rectangle is "l" And Breadth is "b". Cut the square of size(a) from the rectangle touching the three sides of the rectangle. The final guy will win the game.Note: size of square is same i.e. for each player.
I got Rejected because I coud not solve the first Question. I tried Alot. If anyone please help me with answer.
Thank you.
All the best.


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