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No amcat , no elitmus, no freshersworld account, no certification, no reference, or I am not current pass out batch, or many more doubts. Then check this out.

Thought of the day: For the people who know how to enjoy their life, for them life is too short, for rest life is all waste. Which side you choose depends on u.
No amcat , no elitmus, no freshersworld account, no certification, no reference, or I am not current pass out batch, or many more doubts.
Then check this out. Plz donot panic whole,
MRA and BJS the both fb page, and is enough.
You just have to have patience and ambitions and also updated with these above links only.
The below shared thing is from own experince.

A. Make Profile on
1) Verify email and phone no.
2) complete the profile to 100%
3) update your profile daily before 8 am in the morning and after 12 am in the night
4) upload resume weekly (most preferably on Monday morning)
5) Apply all the link possible
6) Search all the daily walkin on naukri and call the company ask in details, ,i.e. is it consultancy, if consultancy what is the charge, etc
7) Make job alert on Your email id of, U will get all the job related to ur skills matching, min 15 per days. And do not forget to apply all the link.
8) I have seen many people they update profile and upload resume. But still they do not get call, the reason is they donot apply.
9) Apply atleat all the link shown on notification.

B. See daily updates on the following about walkins, links to apply, any doubt ask, placement paper and interview experiences in FILE section of this group
1. MRA job seekers -> admin: abhishek Kumar sir
2. BJS (Bangalore Job Seeker) --> admin: aashu Only Sir
3. Never post irrelevant thing to thing group. Otherwise you would be blocked permanently.
Note: aashu Only sir conduct doubt session daily. ask ur queries over there.
Plz FIRST SEarch the Group, and if not found then only POST ur Queries or any relevant things

C. See daily walkins, bank job, govt. job , Off campus job

These two is enough.

D. new web portal like is, known from my frn, it is broad casted on FM Radio.

5. Make as many frn as many u can and b in touch with them.
And share your call letter, daily walkin , or any news and experice you have regarding any company or consultancy.
It helps u back.
Second thought of the day: Helping others is like helping own shelf.
instead of that start improving your self. Best example is VIRAT KOHLI, see his track record in previous all IPL, now
he is running machine. If he could not play well, he movet to his classsical playing style. He has broken so many records in this IPL9.
There are so many like KFC owner, Bil gates, MS Dhoni has several paper backlog in Bachelors.
Third thought of the day: past is past learn from the mistakes/failures but do not let them over take you.

When you get call and call letter if selection process is not mentioned then call the contact details or reply
the mail stating what will the selection process and is it single day process or not.
Ask your each and every doubts you have but do not ask unnecessary things.
Do not try to learn so many technologies. For example, if vacancy of Manual testing comes, then u start learning manual testing,
if java comes we start learning java, and so on.
What ever b the designation you are going to attend , just prepare well ur resume and b confident. If u donot have idea about
the designation then search on google and get idea. If u do not know anything simply say I know this technology and I can give
my best in the company bcoz company is going to provide you the training and I have explained each and every questions you have asked
No certification, then knowledge is only enough and project on the topic. For example, if you know java that is enough, not certificate
required but atleast one project is required.
Those who doesnot have done any project. Then google out and prepare flow chart or design or logic of any projects like banking system,
raily managaement system, attendance system, and so on. Explain like this, Say u were 3 persons in group.
Explain your role, say I have done coding part. and my one frn did the design and one collect the requirements and module for project.
Just keep smiling a while attending interview, if cannot do that then just relax and make eye contact with interviewer
Do not be in hurry while answering the questions asked in interview either written or face to face. Take few seconds nap (take time) and
answer properly.
For aptiude and reaoning is more than enough. Except Elitmus exam, for elitmus exam you have to see from for preparation
For technical and is more than enough.
For HR questions, interview experince on and is enough
Fourth Thought of the day: nothing is tough, the thing u have to do is never GIVE Up.


  1. Can’t tell a good article, because it is more than that, thanks keep going...
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