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Perfect Resume, download from the fb group BJS(Bangalore Job Seeker). Link shared at last.

                                                   Mobile: Never gives number to Strangers
H.NO: infinity    (if u want you can talk to my personal security who is on leave forever)                                    
Where People kills Nature,
Billions of love failures               
Near blue planet.                                                

To get a job where I get lots of fun & friends like family .free Wi-Fi to browse, a crush to come early at time, a project to play with, Adventures that takes my Managers breathe away,
Holidays whenever I want, motivations with regularly hike of money and position.

B-Tech degree from a college which even NASA scientists cannot find it. it’s the last part of the jungle.

Intermediate from a college which directions you cannot even find in Google Maps but you can try it’s like journey to the center of the earth.

SSC from a school which is less popular after I came out. it’s like harry potter school without harry but the dumbest thing is Hermoine character doesn’t even exists.


Caring for everyone and sharing with everyone unless it’s a last piece of chicken.
A canteen regular customer who eats rarely.
Ability to shut others mouth without logic by asking question where is your logic.
 Good listener of my friends’ weekly new love stories by starting with she is the one.
Admiring beauty of others because there worked really hard on editing their pics.
Helping my friends when there need a like badly in facebook.
Jumped from a 40feet to water after seeing a rat rushing towards me, here you can see my ability to give my best under pressure.


I wanted to participate in all India chess championship but it was India versus Pakistan match that day, here you can see I sacrificed my glory for my country.
I participated in lots of Valentine’s Days, writing love letters for my friend for his lovers, here you can see how down to earth I was.
I have beaten viswanadh Anand[CHESS CHAMPION] brother daughter sister friend’s 27th crush daughters husband brothers aunt daughter in running race she is turning 5 on  sep 4th don’t forget to wish her, she has a bright future in running.
Sleeping too late and waking up on time with help of a alarm, and fallowed  by my father scolding and again by mother and then my sister and then my brother here you can see my dedication towards sleep and love of my family towards my future.


Actively jumped from various boring classes in college.
Actively Participated in sending virus to others via pen drives and laptops, helping others to correct his spelling on exams by the way I’m not copying its called helping.

A observer when my friend asks is it that girl looking towards me after brake
            up with her ex just one hour back ,I have to encourage him by saying yes dude im also  
            noticing her I think she likes you, my friends lets  fallow her and find details.


Had fight with a volunteer in TECHNO-2K14 for not giving free food coupons to my friends.
Actively participated in jumping 15 feet wall in college and sitting in college bus without getting caught.
Had fight with my lecturer after getting caught with mobile phone playing temple run
Game I think my lecturer is a fan of candy crush.


Project Title             : simple logic once Newton met Charlie Chaplin and said you are  famous because you are too simple to understand and i was famous because i was too difficult to understand     so my project is something no one understands and everyone acts like there know everything.
Implementation In   :     My laptop using reliance ½ G.
Operating system     :     Door with Lock 7/8/XP
Description           :       It is a pre planned murder which look like suicide and who ever finds its a murder we will say you find it because you are the killer, so he acts like its a suicide , to generate a output whatever you type you will get result courtesy of animations and lecturers extra curriculum activates to copy and paste  attached a connection which is like it starts from America to reach mars with a bicycle to find why moon doesn’t rotates by taking a bag of lays and a bottle full of mazza with a short and a swimming suit for further updates.
       About my Life      :     its like inception movie and I will explain in a easy way that any
     One can understand, Geometry meeting with trigonometry to find x compound interest
 and square  rooting with lambda expression with power of 21 here 21 is my birthday.                                                                                                                                      
      A Line for Everyone  : if you are praying for the one I’m the one, if you are already                                                                                                                                         ,                                                committed in a relationship stay away from this one.
      Place I find most    : in my loved once hearts, in others prayers and in fb                                                        ,                                                 and in twitter and mostly in my home

      Weakness : mom, Biryani and chicken fry, Adventure with friends which
,                                          makes me cry not due to emotions due to fear, I don’t wanna jump.
      Speaking Ability : English with uneducated and telugu with tamilians and tamil ,       ,                                                 with telugians and Urdu with English people.

         Talent                     : too much to handle for this world and my parents.
Example: my lecture asked me a question, what is the speed of a bullet train if it reaches a station after travelling 4hours 30minutes at a distance of 700km?
me: simple ask the driver who is driving ,here you can see my ability to find answers in a easy way for difficult questions by confusing lectures.
        Tips                      :  stay hunger but always help someone who is hungry. time is limited so don’t wear limited edition wrist watch and showoff you are testing thief limits.
  Toughest decision in life:   To choose Between Coffee and Tea.

I tried my level best to be myself and above information is something that is I wrote with heart and using little part of my brain.

    Place  : in titanic ship before sailing
    Date   :  14/08/1947 11:59pm [1min before independence]                                                                                                                                                                                    

                                                                                          [SK.Mohammad Shadaab]

                          Any question for me, I can answer anything except melody itna choclaty kyu hai.

--------- Link: download the perfect link.-----------------


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